You’re So Smart & Meta! It’s Hey Did You See That Comment Friday!
Has “Hey Did You See That Comment Friday?” become Meta? Included these week, several comments specifically chosen by other commenters. In the end, we all win!
Has “Hey Did You See That Comment Friday?” become Meta? Included these week, several comments specifically chosen by other commenters. In the end, we all win!
Chaz Bono enlightens America about gender reassignment surgery, says he feels better than ever, and gives us an opportunity to discuss the popular and problematic term “sex change”! Also; Caster keeps her title, hate crimes are on the rise in LA and six scary quotes from Sarah Palin’s book tour.
Canadian rockers Metric finally bring their powerful, crowd-pleasing synth rock to Australia. Indie heart-throb Emily Haines wins over a hardcore Melbourne crowd with smoking hotness and idiosyncratic dance moves, requests a spliff and receives candy instead. Audiostraddle’s contributing writer Isabelle takes us there.
Our resident Televisionary is out of town, but we still have tons of opinions on the past week of TV! I mean, Gossip Girl had a threesome AND Lady Gaga, we can’t just put that on hold.
Courtney Semel will grace the December cover of Curve magazine asking “Is she the most wanted lesbian in Hollywood?” (ahem) Also; Adam Lambert’s album is streaming online, Paris Hilton is looking for Kate Moennig on Twitter while watching TLW, Ro&Kelli aren’t giving up the business, Lindsay Lohan created a TV show, vintage Gaga, Autostraddle interviews Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono. ETA Carmen Electra lesbian sex tape leaked.
There’s SO much drama right now about your alleged unwillingness to be gay on the cover of OUT magazine, Adam Lambert!. Gay men have so many feelings, cats, candles and guitars, don’t they? Well, take the train to Lezzieville Adam Lambert Fan HQ where we’ve got an offer you just can’t refuse.
“Celesbians” extraordinaire Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono talk to Autostraddle about filming “We Have to Stop Now” during a hurricane onboard the Sweet Cruise and how vlogging for SheWired allows more swearing & sexy talk.
WHAT A DAY FOR THE LADIES! Mr. Buckingham Palace thinks feminism has triumphed because men have all turned into little girls who like to sing their way into our heart. Double X folds, Sarah Palin lies, Oprah talks porn, Sarah Haskins will protect you and new research suggests ladies should bare 40% of their bodies for optimum sex appeal, so roll up those cargo shorts!
Mitrice Richardson went missing in September, but never got the attention granted to white, blonde, heterosexual children. But new clues bring new hope and the gay & lesbian community can help you guys! Plus lots of other headlines.
I hear about the “death of print” all the time in journalism school, but the closing of Window Media hit a bit close to home. The Washington Blade’s staff, however, is determined to make it work and revive the publication with or without Window Media. Will gay media find a new business model before we lose our greatest resources?
As the world braces itself for the release of the Twilight Saga: New Moon on November 20, we thought it would be the perfect time to bring to you our feelings about its soundtrack – a broody 15-song compilation from indie rock legends and up-and-comers like Death Cab For Cutie, Thom Yorke, the Killers, Muse, Bon Iver and more.
Research shows that lesbians make better parents, and “pro-family” groups get upset when research shows that lesbians make better parents. Also, trouble for the Houston mayoral candidate, gay gene testing forbidden and new strategies for Prop 8.
Guess who’s back, Autostraddle is back from the Sweet Cruise with sneak peeks at a sliver of our upcoming content with Jill Bennett (video!), Erin Foley and Nicol Paone. Also in the news; Lady Gaga on Gossip Girl, Dani Campbell reacts to Tila Tequila coming out, Oprah and Gayle are still not girlfriends, and more LiLo rumors!
Kristanna Loken’s broken up with her boy and has a new girl — guess that’s why we kept seeing her out at lesbian WeHo hotspots! The New York Times ponders Ellen’s influence on the marriage equality struggle, John Mayer loves gay clubs, LiLo wants Gaga and “Cracks” looks good!
Robin and Carly take a ‘gaycation’ in Buenos Aires and have the breathtaking photos to prove it.
Carlytron wants to be happy that Glee is back on but is conflicted because this episode isn’t very good. Luckily, this show has a cute gay named Kurt and the Lynch (who can do no wrong) to pull it out of the gutter and keep our spirits alive amongst bad plot devices and worse writing.
OMG Threesomes, have you heard? People have them, even Britney Spears, she’s got a whole song about it! Babes like belts not bras, Cruel Intentions Cinema Sutra, rape fantasies and the outing of the Diary of the Call Girl.
Life is finally getting good for Intern Lily, who once felt unhinged, lonely and lost in her first year at Barnard. Now there’s love, a liberal bubble, and that constant fear of what happens when the real world comes by.
Autostraddle is on a boat! This post will be your guide to all the lesbian action. Check back all week, we’ll be updating a lot!
A;ex is on a boat which means that I’ve probably surpassed her in number of team picks. Anyways, here are some cool pictures of people unintentionally doing the exact same thing in NYC. I especially like the yawning one.