• Another Day, Another Lesbians Coming Out in Midlife Trend Piece

    “Midlife lesbians” are apparently having a heyday — again! Queer activists are forcing Eminem to hate gay people a little less than he did before, Angelina kind of sort of maybe might have an open relationship, queer girls in sports lost a great advocate, and the state of religion in America. Also, pictures of Lady Gaga!

  • Young Black Lesbian Missing Since September Finally Makes the News

    Mitrice Richardson went missing in September, but never got the attention granted to white, blonde, heterosexual children. But new clues bring new hope and the gay & lesbian community can help you guys! Plus lots of other headlines.

  • Right-Wingers Won’t Shop The Gap Until Ads Spotlight Jesus

    The American Family Association is being such a stage mom to Jesus and was boycotting the Gap for not using the word “Christmas” — we’ll tell you why that boycott is now on hold. Also, it’s boom time for unpaid interns, is Glee anti-Christian?, Sarah Palin gets PUNK’D, JCrew is weird and Australian senator compares homosexuality to incest. Again. Sigh.

  • Religious Right & Ex-Gay Movement Inspired By Hate Crimes Bill to Lie More, Be Hateful

    The ex-gay movement and Pat Robertson’s religious righteousness army want you to think they’re going to be persecuted under the Hate Crimes Law (but they’re not). THAT’S GAY does ex-gays, Wanda Sykes gives her Obama eval and Argentina considers gay marriage.

  • Prepare Your Acceptance Speech, It’s Hey Did You See That Comment Awards Friday!

    We’ve read every single one of your comments, and Friday’s results are in! We think the vote is unanimous — Autostraddlers win at life. (Prizes may include: witty banter, street cred, sexual advances, and internet fame.)

  • Maine Anti-Equality Leader Gets Death Threat, Health Care Bill Helps Gays

    Someone left a voicemail threatening to shoot a former anti-gay leader in Maine. The House health care bill actually includes several benefits for the gay community. Plus, Ellen graces the cover of O magazine.

  • Get Involved in World AIDS Day: ‘Tragically, the Face of AIDS is Resolutely Female.’

    Today is World AIDS Day. Find out how you can get involved and get the facts about the epidemic and how it effects women. Hillary Clinton speaks out against LGBT discrimination on World AIDS Day and we hope she’s talking about Uganda. Rachel Maddow DOES talk about Uganda, Queerty’s letting you vote on an LDS ad campaign, a California man is trying to ban divorce. And the Chinese government opens a gay bar.

  • Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize, Our Money Was on Lady Gaga

    Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize after only nine months in office, surprising everyone in the world including him. Lesbians suffer more under DADT, and the possibility of gay marriage in D.C & New Jersey.

  • Leave Lindsay Lohan Alone

    How the totally false Lindsay Lohan HIV rumor got started and why everyone needs to give that girl a f*cking break. Also; a writer goes undercover at Christian Gay Conversion camp, The Boondocks premieres, THE MARBLE FAUN from Grey Gardens gets his own documentary (and he’s gay!), and the redheaded soldier from the GaGa in Afghanistan video has two mommies!

  • Skins Episode 408 Recap: “Everyone is F*cked Except Naomi & Emily”

    Crystal & Riese recap the finale of Skins Season Four, “Everyone.” In which a few moments of beauty are somewhat clouded by a lethal dose of WTF. But it’s funny. ahahahahahah!

  • Let Us Now Praise Effeminate Men

    Alan Cumming’s latest blog post sums up the week perfectly, and addresses perhaps Newsweekgate’s most underasked question: “What is wrong with being effeminate, anyway?” It’s Friday, y’all. Let us praise ye wise men who know “queeny” isn’t even a word, give you some wisdom and share some of our favorite videos; Kurt’s Turn in Glee, Adam Lambert goes crazy, Alan Cumming emcees, Rickie finds World Happiness and Peter Paige finds Emmet’s truth.

  • State of the Autostraddle Union: A Letter from the Editor

    In 2009 Autostraddle was born. Just in time for the apocalypse! In this letter from the editor, you’ll find out what happened, what’s happening next, and how special everyone is.

  • 6 More Out Lesbian & Bisexual Country Musicians For Your Collection

    Lesbian country music artists may be few and far between, but they do exist! A look at the ladies that Chely Wright will have on her side as she ventures into the great homosexual horizon! Oh and we found a friend for Christian singer Jennifer Knapp too!

  • Jess’s Team Pick

    Straight male comedian, Dylan Rhymer, has a hilarious and charming piece defending gay marriage in this Funny or Die clip.

  • Paltrow and Kidman Will Play House in Upcoming Movie

    Nicole Kidman and Gwyneth Paltrow will play a couple in “The Danish Girl.” The New York governor is pushing for a vote on same-sex marriage today. And a new survey of troops says support for DADT is on the decline.

  • News & Politics Round-Up: Gay Divorce in Texas, Lesbians Defy Preconceptions, Bad Sex Ed is Back

    Thursday was a big day for gay marriage, as a Texas court ruled in favor of gay divorce and Nevada began issuing domestic partnerships. Haviland guest-blogs for NOW, DADT repeal is thrown out there, and it looks like the NFL might be getting more accepting.

  • Stars ARE Just Like Us! Jillian Michaels Is NOT Shagging Her Straight Best Friend

    Yesterday our #1 search term was “Jillian Michaels Vanessa Marcil” and now we know why — get the full ‘scoop’ on ‘important things’ right here. Also, Carol Leifer goes on Howard Stern with a lot of feelings about Ellen DeGeneres ALSO! Tegan & Sara interview, Gaga explains nearly passing out on stage in New Zealand, Cynthia Nixon’s GLAAD speech, and a new teaser for Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono’s web series, We Have To Stop Now.

  • Top Ten ’90s Movies Beloved by Girls Who Turned Out Gay

    Looking back on it now, it all makes sense: these are films you probably loved if you were born in the ’80s and turned out gay. What are your favorites?

  • After an EPIC Week, it’s Hey Did You See That Comment Awards Friday!

    Forget every other time you’ve heard the phrase “Best Week Ever” used — this week trumps them all, my friends! Not convinced? Read all of these amazing comments, and you will be.

  • Obama’s ‘Small Victories’ for LGBTs This Week: Is It Change We Can Believe In?

    The Obama Administration is making small steps towards helping the LGBT community with the Shepard Act & new initiatives from the departments of Housing and Urban Development and Health and Human Services. Also; Dan Choi gives great interview to the Metro Weekly – with tales of a childhood spent praying “Jesus, make me pop a boner for Michelle Pfeiffer, in Jesus’ name, amen!”