11 Nicer Things I’d Like To Give To Eleven From “Stranger Things,” That Sweet Dove Of a Child
I just want to pick her up like I am a grown-up panda and she is a baby panda.
I just want to pick her up like I am a grown-up panda and she is a baby panda.
Holy cats, the show I fell in love with is back (at least for an episode).
Emily wore suspenders and finally asked a girl out on a date.
Welcome back, Stef and Lena, my perfect angel babies.
I’m hopeful, though, that TV in particular has the potential to introduce richer disabled people with stronger context and more to say than “look how sad my life is.”
“Degrassi Lesbian Porn!”
Plus Marjorie and Catehrine are the only people who come out on top of Veep, The Fosters subdues its active shooter, and let’s finally talk about the Orphan Black finale!
“These women are angry, and rightfully so. They aren’t treated like humans. Their lives are taken away from them, sometimes literally, and they don’t even have names. They tried a peaceful protest and someone was killed. Their riot is righteous, but at the end of the day, they’re going to be the ones punished. There is no justice.”
“With one more episode in this heart-wrenching season, we are all still gasping for air and dreaming of justice.”
Suzanne’s backstory is so heavy it feels almost unnecessary.
Everyone gets their turn to be totally miserable.
In one sentence Black Cindy sums up the writing of this entire season: “Y’all, we ain’t think this shit through.”
Spoiler alert: Piper is the woooorst.
All the women of Litchfield deserve so much better.
No Hope Allowed.
Is Game of Thrones going there with Yara and Daenerys? Seems like maybe! Waverly and Haught make out twice on Wynonna Earp. Catherine and Marjorie’s story takes center stage on Veep. And Audrey gets A-ed on Scream.
An over-stuffed episode that needs more Maritza, but excels at its menstrual narrative.
If you’ve yet to watch Episode 412 of “Orange is the New Black,” be aware that this post contains epic spoilers.
Sophia! And Nicky! (Who in the world thought we needed more Sam Healy flashbacks?)
Soso proves that people well-versed on racism can still be racist.