
Lesbian Comedian Erin Foley: The Autostraddle Interview

Erin Foley’s shooting star of comic fame has been skyrocketing through the night air, perhaps you’ve noticed & laughed? We sit down with Erin on the Sweet Cruise to talk about her TV projects, new relationship, feeling like she’s in a good spot career-wise, Facebook, and her upcoming Lifetime Achievement Award.

Politics + Activism

Lesbian Soldier Denied DADT Discharge Wins Appeal in Canada! Oh Canada!

In October we interviewed Skyler James, a lesbian soldier denied the DADT discharge she expected when outed — she wanted you to know the true story of her appeal to Canada for asylum. Today, we’re happy to report her success! Also; San Fran tells feds to back off and let it grant benefits to same sex couples, gay panic will be cited in Mercado case and NY looks ahead for same-sex marriage.


Metric Australia: Audiostraddle Concert Review

Canadian rockers Metric finally bring their powerful, crowd-pleasing synth rock to Australia. Indie heart-throb Emily Haines wins over a hardcore Melbourne crowd with smoking hotness and idiosyncratic dance moves, requests a spliff and receives candy instead. Audiostraddle’s contributing writer Isabelle takes us there.

Pop Culture Fix

Lohan’s Ex-BFF “Lesbian Don Juan” Courtenay Semel Covers Curve Mag

Courtney Semel will grace the December cover of Curve magazine asking “Is she the most wanted lesbian in Hollywood?” (ahem) Also; Adam Lambert’s album is streaming online, Paris Hilton is looking for Kate Moennig on Twitter while watching TLW, Ro&Kelli aren’t giving up the business, Lindsay Lohan created a TV show, vintage Gaga, Autostraddle interviews Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono. ETA Carmen Electra lesbian sex tape leaked.

Society + Culture

Sarah Palin Lies (& Loves Glenn Beck), Double X Folds, Women Bare 40% and Feminism Allegedly Won?

WHAT A DAY FOR THE LADIES! Mr. Buckingham Palace thinks feminism has triumphed because men have all turned into little girls who like to sing their way into our heart. Double X folds, Sarah Palin lies, Oprah talks porn, Sarah Haskins will protect you and new research suggests ladies should bare 40% of their bodies for optimum sex appeal, so roll up those cargo shorts!