“Scream” Halloween Special Recap: Shear Horror
Attention, new folks in charge of Scream: Queer women are loyal viewers. Be good to us and we’ll be good to you.
Attention, new folks in charge of Scream: Queer women are loyal viewers. Be good to us and we’ll be good to you.
“I don’t know why I thought this might end well.”
Eve and Annalise are the best (and the most heartbreaking), Younger is back and gayer than ever, Arizona returns to Grey’s with a smile, Rosewood is actually doing something with its queer couple this season, two new lesbians on ABC sitcoms, and more queer TV!
This was a deadly year for queer TV characters. We really needed this.
Not only did they actually center the story on the iconic Marsha P. Johnson, but they cast Alexandra Grey, a trans actress, in the role. And she NAILS IT y’all.
Welcome to a brand new weekly round-up of all the DC superhero shows that include queer women!
This is a highlight reel of the highs and lows of the trans storylines in Transparent’s third season.
Laura and Carmilla drop the pretense of “office furniture-related slips” and (re)confess their love for each other.
“Vegan Cinderella” ends on a bright note, entering the small canon of TV love stories between queer women that get a happy ending.
If you’re looking for trans actors playing trans characters, the absolute best place on TV to look is Jill Soloway’s show for Amazon Prime, Transparent.
Sappho protect us.
Kate McKinnon and Sarah Paulson and Jill Soloway (and Ellen and Hillary and Laverne and Tatiana Maslany and Regina King and Marcia Clark and Holland Taylor), oh my!
Carmilla and Laura are back and they can’t keep their hands off each other. Also: summoning circles! And Keith Mars!
This is a story centered around poor Black and Latinx communities, their struggles with institutional abandonment, and their journeys to self-love and empowerment.
This Labor Day Olivia Pope wants you to know it’s handled.
Rhea Butcher and Cameron Esposito’s new show is truly delightful.
“First comes Twitter, then comes Snapchat, then comes texting nudes to a complete and total stranger.” Patty-cake to that one, kiddos.
When you really shake Pretty Little Liars down to its core, the storytelling crutch it has leaned on again and again is: pinning a bunch of mysterious nefarious actions on an underdeveloped queer or trans woman and then murdering her.
Before ‘Women Who Love Women Who Love Recycling,’ there was ‘Dirty Dancing In Danskos.’
Stef and Lena celebrate the fourth year of their first year anniversary.