Get Baked with Autostraddle: Valentine’s Day Edition
Work your magic on Valentine’s Day with these four ridiculously irresistible recipes (with photos!) from our Team. Seriously, don’t read this if you’re hungry.
Work your magic on Valentine’s Day with these four ridiculously irresistible recipes (with photos!) from our Team. Seriously, don’t read this if you’re hungry.
Ah, homo-love is in the air – can you feel it? … No? Well, you’ll always have us as your Valentine (and maybe if we’re both still single in 10 years, we could give it a shot, ya know, just for funsies). Forget the Hallmark cards, your Autostraddle Comment Award will keep your warm at night!
Many schools are considering doing away with books — NYTimes debates the issue with Experts, and we have feelings. Also; gay Canadian teens in rural areas are lonely, lesbian activist marries gay man to prove a point, transgender woman on Oprah, first African-American gay speaker of the house in Rhode Island, Utah GBLTs won’t be ignored, and a kickass parody of the offensive Dodge Charger Superbowl Ads.
Oh hey it’s Google Buzz! Where did you come from? What are you for? Do we like you? How do we turn you off? How do we make it work with you? These questions and more, answered by Technostraddle!
Glaad says Valentine’s Day is secretly gay, The Real World DC mini-recap, Out Media’s $10K contest for college queers (you could win!), Modern Family’s gay dad interviewed, Rihanna heats bisexual rumors, Porita behind-the-scenes, Gaga & Cyndi Lauper continue their talk show tour and talk about their gay followings, Ellen will be dancing on TV for 3 more years, best Single Ladies parody ever, LiLo misses her flight, Melissa Etheridge’s new album, and Janeane Garofalo dream job on 30 Rock.
Lesbians don’t just love the internet, they love meeting each other on the internet. Also; New York City’s Gay-Town entertainment complex proposal, Oprah has the transgendered quarterback turned lesbian filmmaker, Lt. Dan Choi’s Pride Parade plans, Phyllis Lyon interview, and our Valentine’s Day Plans at Stilleto’s UNITE in Fashion.
Ellen Degeneres’ Idol debut (VIDEO!), Molly Shannon to guest on GLEE, Lady Gaga & Britney duet, Armani ad same-sex love scandal, controversial John Mayer interview, the history of fangirls, Lindsay Lohan sets the record straight, Rihanna and Tina Fey have new magazine covers!
Imagine that Autostraddle is an office building. Now imagine the water cooler we would all linger around, talking about TV shows. This Open Thread is that hypothetical water cooler — tell us your telly feelings!
On Good Morning America to promote Mac’s VIVA/GLAM lipstick (all profits going to MAC Viva GLAM AIDS fund), Lady Gaga & Cyndi Lauper stay on topic about the importance of safe sex for gay & straight women. Also; suggested changes to the DSM V are OUT!, wanna be sexy Elmo for Halloween, shopping for love, sexism by the numbers, nuns go all Salt’n’Pepa on Oprah, and feminism at school.
If you like feminist theory & indie actresses – um, that should be all of you – go listen to The Feminine Mystique narrated by Parker Posey. It is hot feminist-on-feminist nerdrotica. (OK, it’s actually really dry, but when the audio sample cuts off, ‘orgasm’ is the last word.)
It’s our second month of Autostraddle Calendar Girls. Ladies, gents and otherwise-identified girl-lovin’ persons, meet Miss February!
The Insider continues to drag out this Lindsay Lohan organize-your-life special. Plus, Rose Rollins is in a new show. Coronation Street will get it’s first lesbian kiss, and Logo online has some great content celebrating Black History Month.
It’s DADT News, and we’ve got good news and bad news. Dan Choi has been called back to active duty! Yes, really! Autostraddle catches up with DADT discharge Lissa Young for her reaction to last week’s hearing (“exhilarating and infuriating.”) Study shows black women disproportionately discharged under DADT (and the affects of all anti-gay laws hit the black community harder). Also; Iowans and New Jersey on gay marriage actions/reactions, Rhode Island’s gay marriage bill and more on Judge Walker.
Aussie photographer and writer Stef Mitchell brings us a review and photos of the Cold War Kids’ sold out concert at the Williamsburg Music Hall.
Sigur Rós front man Jónsi announces his first solo tour, Ke$ha pranks Hollywood, Amanda F*cking Palmer plays conjoined twin, Pitchfork announces festival lineup, and so much more!
The virtual Saints and the real Saints win the Superbowl! The Oscars go wild for science-fiction for some reason! And we all continue to puzzle over the future/present/past of Lost. The show, and the characters. And like, the semi-abstract conceptions of time. Also; gay gamers, the facebook makeover, dinosaurs, a new iPad in the works? and excuses to buy more video games. And more.
Portia De Rossi is on the cover of The Advocate with a fantastic in-depth interview, discussing topics including her marriage, equal rights advocacy, career aspirations and her new willingness to speak openly about her private life. Also! St.Vincent, behind the scenes of Skins and Lily Loveless interview, Chloe trailer, lesbian Desperate Housewives, Rihanna music video shoot, Lady Gaga’s telephone video, Vanity Fair responds to the WOC issue (not well), Justin TImberlake loves gender stereotypes, 40 sexiest videos, Jersey Shore and so! much! more!
Judge Vaughn Walker, presiding over the Prop 8 Trial, is a homo! We loved him so much already, this is really just the icing on his homo-cake. Also: should gay cruises visit homophobic ports, New Orleans celebration, gays in schools, sex ed, gender disparity on college campuses and the real Tim Tebow ad!
I just discovered this tumblr, Hipster Puppies, and it is all my favorite things in one! Adorable puppies and making fun of hipsters! There’s a Nabokov reference and a Sparks reference back to back!
Crystal & Riese recap episode 402 (Season Four, Episode 2) of Skins, “Emily.” There were a lot of feelings, a lot of lesbian things happening, and also Effy and Emily’s cross-dressing brother of love.