TV News & Trailers

Real World DC’s Bisexual Emily: Writes Poems, is Adorable, Was in a Cult, is “Wild at Heart”

The Real World DC premieres tonight and Emily, a super-cute 21-year-old bisexual, confesses that she’s “not sure the positives will outweigh the negatives.” Also, Ep 202 of Anyone But Me, Lohan’s 6126 line, Rosie & Kelli both have new ladyfriends now, Goldfrapp=gay, Brittany Murphy updates, a call for bi writers, and more Top 20/30/100 lists!

Politics + Activism

Women in Combat: Is it “Contradicting Basic Biology” to Trust Male Soldiers To Keep it in Their Pants?

The New York Times looks at sexual harassment in the military and many commenters agree that the problem is that women are too sexy and men will be men. We vehemently disagree, obvs. The Prop 8 trial will be tweeted from within, which means we are finally in the future! Oh wait, nvm — anti-equality morons in Iowa are already gearing up to vote for a constitutional ban on human rights in 2010.