You Guys, Let’s Be Real, The Real L Word Sucked
Laneia reviews Ultimate Lesbian Erotica (2005), Velvetpark interrupts Autostraddle’s breakfast for sextalk, Lady Gaga brings fetish into the mainstream, female viagra fails, musings on non-monogamy, Lesbian Cowgirl Erotica, Jiz Lee strips for a cause, braving the Stop Porn culture Conference and moar! Also; the hipster grifter. Mhm.
This is a Celeb Bisexual-themed Sunday Funday special just for you! Katy Perry shares her feelings on Rihanna’s feelings about other women’s feelings for each other, Vanessa Carlton has feelings for ladies and dudes, and Lindsay Lohan feels like she really likes kombucha tea. Also, Obama gives a shoutout to gay dads for Father’s Day and premiere photos from The Kids Are Alright!
Swimsuit makers don’t care about gay people. Luckily, we do! And so do a lot of other people, actually — guest bloggers on this swimsuit spectacular include Queer Fat Femme, Fit For a Femme and Brandy Howard from “In Your Box Office”.
Does anyone even know why we are remembering the Alamo? I don’t. You know what we should remember, though? That time Autostraddle went down. We should also remember all your comments.
First we get real deep, and then we get real funny. It’s Autostradle’s first recap of ABC Family’s new show “Pretty Little Liars,” which features a probs-lesbian protagonist named Emily. You should probably read this recap. Just for funsies.
Nicki Minaj tells Black Men Magazine she isn’t really bisexual. Also: Logo’s NewNowNext Awards give us a Glambert eyeliner closeup, Tegan Quin’s adorable tour diary, Pixar is awesome, Katy Perry doesn’t want straight men on her set, and The Chaik talks about The L Word movie.
The Real L Word premieres on Sunday, aren’t you so excitant? We reflect and look forward and read reviews and witness strap-ons. But really the best part is that Autostraddle’s Nat Garcia is gonna be doing exclusive Real L Word content for Showtime &! I know! See! We got our grrrl in there, and she is perfect.
New videos from Katy Perry, OK Go, MGMT, and Weezer, new tracks from M.I.A. and Brandon Flowers, Ice Cube performs “Straight Outta Compton” with The Roots, Drake starts a riot, Eminem talks about his gay-bashing lyrics and AMalbum previews from The Chemical Brothers, Stars, and Macy Gray.
Check out this list of 5 robots to amaze, frighten and overwhelm you. There’s even a penguin robot! Also, the iPhone 4’s pre-ordering clusterf*ck, and the tiniest tiniest tidbit of gaming news from E3.
We recap last night’s press conference on the Prop 8 Trial’s closing arguments and affirm our personal feeling that we’ve got this sh*t in the bag, amirite? Also; Stonewall Uprising, Boy Scouts still hate gays, Rachel Maddow on the oil spill and lesbians raise better kids.
Are you ready to get this Prop 8 thing taken care of once and for all? SO ARE WE. We recap today’s closing arguments on the Prop 8 trial on gay marriage in California, with characteristic Autostraddle style and class.
Ashleigh Sumner is the adorable, every-girl star of the sexy lesbian romantic comedy, And Then Came Lola. Jess chats with her about her first on-camera sex scenes, seeing herself on the big screen, LA vs. San Francisco, gays & superheroes, and her artwork.
Listen up. I know the shit you’ve been saying behind my back. You think I’m stupid. You think I’m immature. You think I’m a malformed, pathetic excuse for a font. Well think again, nerdhole, because I’m Comic Sans, and I’m the best thing to happen to typography since Johannes fucking Gutenberg. Word to my brother […]
Queen Latifah still ain’t confirming she’s a homo, Adam Lambert fends off boys & girls in new interview, Kathy Griffin lays the smackdown on Elisabeth Hasselbeck on The View and smooches Mariska Hargitay, watch We Have to Stop Now’s free episode right here, and the new Riot Grrrls.
It’s only ten days ’til Autostraddle’s Rodeo Disco will rock your NYC Pride 2010, and featured Rodeo Disco guests The Spangles hit up America’s Got Talent last night and will probs be famous by the time the party happens. We got video. We also got a sneak-peak at the prizes you could win at our party!
This project seems a little too ambitious, even for me, but I liked it too much to resist sharing it with you guys.
Judge Walker will begin hearing closing arguments in the Prop 8 trial today. Oh, and the Prop 8 supporters are going to ask him to expand the reach of the ban. Catch yourself up so we can process everything tomorrow!
So much to catch up on! Margaret Cho says lesbians are better comedians (truth). Perez Hilton could face child porn charges after tweeting an up-skirt pic of Miley Cyrus. The Tonys happened! Plus, Lady Gaga is working for the Illuminati, Katy Perry feels uncomf about swearing, The Real L Word is coming soon, and Ellen is writing another book!
The beating of a gay man in Georgia gave us some feelings about Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and pervasive homophobia in the military. Plus, gay men still can’t give blood, the 16-year-old sailor has been found, culture wars are here to stay, and a lesbian cop is suing the NYPD for sexual harrassment.