Lesbian Weddings

New Gay Wedding Mag EquallyWed Wants to Commitment Ceremony You

“Equally Wed” enters the untapped queer wedding magazine market, poised to get you ready for the big day even if it’s not legal yet. Also; lot of famous people got rejected from Harvard, women are rethinking “happily ever after,” Sugarbutch has thoughts on gay prom, The Real Housewife of Atlanta has a girlfriend for real, Liz Carpenter dies, marijuana legislation is queer, and the social construction of natural beauty.


Why Lesbians Won’t Give Up the Hipster

She’s not butch, no. She’s not even dykey. But damn that girl looks good in a tie and skinny jeans. Who is she, and how do you know that she’s not just a cute hipster straight girl? Luckily for you, Dr. KC Danger just received her degree in lesbian hipsterology, and she’s here to give you a lesson in herstory, hipstory, and why the lesbian hipster is more than just a cultural one-night-stand.

Pop Culture Fix

Jennifer Beals Lands Lead in Fox Pilot “Ride-Along” as Top (Hot) Cop

Jennifer Beals will star in the new Fox Pilot “Ride-Along” as Chicago’s first female police chief, and we expect lots of ball-busting to ensue. ‘Anyone But Me’ is up for awards and has a new episode! Also; photography of “girlfriends,” Rosie O’Donnell’s new show aims to fill Oprah’s void, Bitch Slap’s Lesploitation, Scream 4 is ON, Adam Lambert’s interviewed in Scotland, and Sue’s Corner is back.

Politics + Activism

Judge Rules: Miss. School Violated Lesbian’s Rights, But Won’t Force Prom

A ruling is made in the case of Constance McMillen and the heteronormative prom and Newsweek interviews Dan Choi about his new radical stance on political action. Prop 8 opponents have to give show the other side internal emails and memos, which could push back the verdict on the Prop 8 trial. Also: two Malawi men arrested for getting engaged go on trial soon, and Lambda Legal is challenging for same-sex marriage in NJ.

Society + Culture

Gays Playing Sports, Shopping for Menswear, Still Not Going to Prom

Closeted gays play basketball, lesbians play softball, gay boys rank each other on websites that get startup funds (bah!), Constance McMillen has her day in court and the school officials whipped out some doozies, a good lesbian suit is hard to find, Elisabeth Hasslebeck and Whoopi fight about health care, also wait ’til you see these portraits of soldiers affected by Don’t Ask Don’t Tell!


Health Care Reform Passes: What’s Next, Gaymos? (Is Rush Limbaugh Moving to Costa Rica?)

Health care reform passes — what do gays & ladies think of it? Constance goes to prom court and her school plans a private prom at a furniture mart and doesn’t invite her. Also; tea partiers protesting in DC manage to be horrifyingly disrespectful to everyone ever, gay sex might be decriminalized in Delhi, and reports on homophobic professors, companies, and bed&breakfasts.

TV Feature

Toni Collette is Queering Gender in United States of Tara: The Autostraddle Interview

Season 2 of United States of Tara kicks things up a notch with homo-sexy goodness with Joey Lauren Adams and further explores her gay son Marshall’s sexuality. We met up with the woman of a thousand looks and accents to talk about straddling the line of gender roles and norms, her preparation for playing multiple characters within the same TV series, what major role she turned down and more!