
Emily’s Team Pick: Be Crowned ‘Queer of the Year’

Do you want to be crowned ‘Queer of the Year’? Montreal is looking for you! Enter the Queer of the Year contest and you have a chance to win an all-expenses paid trip to Montreal during Pride Week (August 9-16) and also to be named ‘Queer of the Year’ which sounds really exciting and all-encompassing. […]

Politics + Activism

American Gays Want (And Can’t Have) Rights Straight People Hate

Hawaii’s governor vetoes civil unions bill, Today Show excludes gays from its Modern Weddings contest and a lesbian is denied the malpractice settlement from her deceased ex-wife — seems gays can’t get a break in the US these days. It’s okay though, because new studies show that straight people are married & have kids & they HATE IT. But also there’s the super-cute new issue of gay wedding mag EquallyWed… gawd, it’s so hard to choose a number one feeling today!

Society + Culture

Yvonne Moore Sued Her Church For Performing “Disgusting” Gay Marriage, Which is Crazy

Yvonne Moore, “world’s worst church lady” (according to THAT’S GAY), sues her church for 250K for that gross lesbian wedding they threw. But hey, let’s check out that book she’s been reading in “Autostraddle’s Primer on New & Old Testament’s Mentions of Homosexuality” which will soothe your soul, even if you’ve eaten trail mix, which’s bad for your soul. FYI.


6 Things I Loathe About My New HTC EVO

While you might be tired of hearing about the HTC EVO, I’m somehow not yet tired of writing about it. And it’s the only phone I have because no one sends me free shit and I’m a pauper. Since almost everything I’ve written about the phone has been glowing, here are some complaints. No phone is perfect, and while none of my complaints are a dealbreaker, these 6 things bug me.