TV Feature

Sex & The City 2 Sucks, Let’s Watch SATC TV Clips Instead

The reviews are in: “Sex and the City 2: The Movie” sucks. We round ’em up for you and then take the edge off with a retrospective on some of the moments that made us fall in love with the show to begin with; when it was just about the girls, the friendship, the love, the support, and the tribal female bonding. Did you see it? Do you want to?

Politics + Activism

Obama to DADT Activists: I’m On Task, Don’t Yell!

GetEqual interrupts Obama’s speech, again. Closing arguments for the Prop 8 trial will be heard on June 16, but will there be cameras? Also, a behind-the-scenes look at trans rights advocacy in Washington, Clayton McKleskey of The Dallas Morning News wants to know if we can stop talking about gay stuff yet, and more on college courses on gay marriage (or, as we like to call it, ‘marriage’).

Society + Culture

The Nightmare of Rape on College Campuses

An article about one woman’s experience of the aftermath of rape sheds light on a problem on college campuses nationwide. Plus, does prom even matter, Ellen maybe ruined AI, people who shop at Whole Foods are thin because they have money, and watch the trailer for Kiana Firouz’s controversial movie.

TV Show Recaps

LOST Series Finale Liveblog: The Last WTF!

Autostraddle’s LOST Liveblog! Shit’s gonna go DOWN, so get your Dharma-issued beer at the ready. Because we have a drinking game for ya, and well, cause it’s gonna be intense! And you might want to put towels under your doors like you did when you got high in college, because you know the smoke monster’s gonna be making a cameo. Join us! Be warned, this is basically one huge spoiler.

Politics + Activism

What Would Elena Kagan Do?

What happens if Elena Kagan is confirmed and joins the Supreme Court? Is she a friend or a foe in disguise as a friend with a lesbian haircut? Our Legal Eagle Jessica attempts to decipher Kagan’s mysterious record to tell you what her confirmation could mean for gay rights and other key issues.

Visual Art

Riese’s Team Pick: Christina Tsevis

I found this artist tonight Christina Tsevis, and at first her pictures look like a fancy kid’s cartoon from an educational video or something, but actually, they’re way more. I think I found the website, dripbook, through someone’s tumblr, I can’t remember. Now I am tumbling the hell out of them. Why not also here.