Pop Culture Fix

Riese’s Team Pick: Queer Zine Archive Project

“The mission of the Queer Zine Archive Project (QZAP) is to establish a “living history” archive of past and present queer zines and to encourage current and emerging zine publishers to continue to create. In curating such a unique aspect of culture, we value a collectivist approach that respects the diversity of experiences that fall […]


Video Game Maps: An Ode to Overworld Cartography

This (early) edition of Geekender is a love song to video games maps! Because I love cartography, and by cartography I guess I mean gaming. But hey, everybody likes Mario 3 and Zelda, right? AND THERE’S A SECRET BONUS QUESTION which is: Would you join an Autostraddle guild in WoW? Because that’d be hot.