Judge Walker Strikes Again: Gay Marriage Returns to California ON AUGUST 18
California gay couples can now get married starting on August 18! Walker denied the (permanent) stay of his decision in the Prop 8 trial.
California gay couples can now get married starting on August 18! Walker denied the (permanent) stay of his decision in the Prop 8 trial.
What do you want from me. The Real L Word. 108. It happened. Deal with it OMGFASHIONWEEEK FASHIONWEEK.
Have you gotten over the giant hurdle of learning how to meet people/women? Are you now faced with the enormous task of convincing those people/women to stick around — properly? Lesbians have failed at romance long enough, it’s time you learn how to do it up right. We’ve got a post for that!
Costa Rica’s solution to Prop 8 was to not let voters pass one — an attempt to have a voter referendum banning civil unions was shot down by the nation’s top court. We support this policy, and want everyone to learn a lesson from our friends and neighbors in Latin America.
Does Tegan and Sara’s new video for “Northshore” have everything a Tegan and Sara video should have? Lifetime fans Interns Laura & Emily go through the cannon and come out on top with a Top 9 .
Katherine Miller sent a letter to her commanding officers, announcing her withdrawal from West Point because of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. She’ll be attending Yale with an LGBT scholarship in the fall.
Pretty Little Liars’ season finale aired last night, but the lesbian storyline, unlike a lot of other people on this show, is NOT DEAD YET. This is a miracle of epic proportions. And also, we love this show?
Rosie O’Donnell interviews her fave Real L Word cast member Rose Garcia, exposing her as a pretty decent human being. Who knew!?
Personally, I feel that protesters are a barometer for how fun something will be, and Sunday did not disappoint. So many bands! Hockey, MGMT, The National, Arcade Fire, Mumford & Sons, and the Temper Trap TWICE!
The internet wants to know where our gender-neutral clothing is at. Obviously all the queers at Autostraddle have a lot of feelings about this. It’s a mini-roundtable!
Why you should check out AMC’s new original series, Rubicon. Now with 100% more puzzles and less day-drinking!
The mainstream media is catching on to the fact that PFC Bradley Manning of Wikileaks fame is gay. The New York Times wonders whether Manning’s childhood and teen years as a gay man were part of what led him to release thousands of pages of classified military documents – we wonder whether it might not be a little more complicated than that. What does it mean to betray a country that treats you as a second class citizen?
Hey did you hear that Lady Gaga is thinking about possibly considering maybe ordering the chicken over the fish? No? Because I did! And guess what: ignoring this bullshit is the best possible way I can do my job.
What happens on the red carpet and behind-the-scenes of the 2010 VH1 Do Something Awards when musical comedy legend Julie Goldman and Goldman Guest Brandy Howard sneak a camera backstage to “lez up the place”? Let’s talk fashion with Pete Wentz, rehearse with Jane Lynch, and pet Kathy Griffin’s dogs, shall we?
Yeasayer is an experimental rock band hailing from Brooklyn, NY. They’ll make you want to do Parkour and punch someone affectionately in the face.
Erica Goldson, valedictorian of Coxsackie-Athens High School, used her graduation speech to deconstruct the institution rewarding her. Must read & process: “Now, I have successfully shown that I was the best slave. I did what I was told to the extreme. While others sat in class and doodled to later become great artists, I sat in class to take notes and become a great test-taker.”
MTV’s Skins US announced its cast and Sofia Black D’Elia will be playing the lesbian charcter, Tea. Also, weird lesbo hugs for Queen Latifah and her girlfriend I MEAN ‘trainer’, bizarre lesbian advice in the Daily Star, Lady Gaga’s stage dive at Lolla, Judge Walker’s post-trial party, Jane Lynch’s SNL hosting gig and NOM’s sucky summer.
Trapped inside living vicariously through your fun-having, summer-loving, concert-going friends? Perfect! Insatiable and Fearless Music Aficionado Sarah is back with another dispatch from Lollapalooza, which is probably a lot more fun than whatever you’re doing right now.
Have you all see the “Flesh” music video? There’s girls making out in it. Do you want to tell me how you feel about it or how I should feel about it? I think you do. also: sex ed video games, you’re lying about not having cybersex, vice versas, keeping your sex off facebook, female masturbation, and you know. other stuff of a sexual nature.
On Friday afternoon something special happened: Republican Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger said that he thinks gay people should be allowed to get married right now! Not everybody agrees with him, though.