Twilight For Guys, Starring Lesbians Kissing (VIDEO)
In which we review a Twilight parody about lesbians, for guys. What do you think?
In which we review a Twilight parody about lesbians, for guys. What do you think?
The taco truck isn’t f*cking around. What do you want? A taco? The people working in the taco truck want you to have that taco. (Eight Honest Things About New York City according to someone who was there for like, three weeks.)
The final word in angry gay movie reviews is here… Julie Goldman & Brandy Howard (of “Julie and Brandy in Your Box Office”) give THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT a very serious, non-frivolous TWO FISTS!! Once we get around the pink elephant cock in the room, we’ve got a serious redefining of the female protagonist archetype going on.
Do you want to be crowned ‘Queer of the Year’? Montreal is looking for you! Enter the Queer of the Year contest and you have a chance to win an all-expenses paid trip to Montreal during Pride Week (August 9-16) and also to be named ‘Queer of the Year’ which sounds really exciting and all-encompassing. […]
The military began its study on DADT yesterday, and — surprise! — it’s a mess. Gay people have been advised not to fill it out, which is a shame because we’d really like to know how they feel about showering with gay people.
Jezebel investigates Salon’s claim that lesbians and “queer radicals” might not like “The Kids are All Right” and that the movie “isn’t made for us.” But despite the dude-on-lady love hinted at in the trailer, all the queer radicals we know really loved it! (We’re talking about Julie Goldman, basically)
Here are Team Autostraddle’s recommendations for books to get you through the rest of summer — without rotting your brain.
Kelly Clarkson drops out of troubled Lilith Fair, Glee gets a ton of Emmy nominations including Jane Lynch, Melissa Etheridge and Tammy Lynn Michaels are in dyke drama hell, Johnny Weir says he’ll come out in his book, and the complete guide to Lilo’s incarceration.
The Ladies Guide to the Apocalypse (awesome title, right?) is a wonderful blog written by Summer Burkes, who just recently had to move away from New Orleans in the wake of the oil spill.
Check out for an amazing resume/portfolio creation resource– just add water! No seriously, it’s that easy; you don’t even have to add water or anything. Make a simple, elegant little website in about 10 minutes, start to finish. Yes, it’s cheating, but cheating never looked this good. Cheating usually looks likes punches and smeary mascara.
Hawaii’s governor vetoes civil unions bill, Today Show excludes gays from its Modern Weddings contest and a lesbian is denied the malpractice settlement from her deceased ex-wife — seems gays can’t get a break in the US these days. It’s okay though, because new studies show that straight people are married & have kids & they HATE IT. But also there’s the super-cute new issue of gay wedding mag EquallyWed… gawd, it’s so hard to choose a number one feeling today!
Lost footage from The Real L Word plus Valentine’s Day episode video recap. Also; Showtime lets its cast members point out editing magic in their on-site blogs — is this a major development in how reality stars are handled by the networks that showcase them?
Becky started her 4th of July out early with a koolaid and vodka pitcher drink and is now regretting it immensely. Anyway, here’s some clothes to look at while you’re waiting for your turn to shuck corn — CLOTHING FOR THE FUTURE!
Today Lindsay Lohan was sentenced 90 days in jail starting July 20 for violating her probation terms. Before that we found out that she wasn’t dating that girl Eliat because Eliat already has a girlfriend. That seems less important now.
Audiostraddle Record Club, get your headphones ready!
Yvonne Moore, “world’s worst church lady” (according to THAT’S GAY), sues her church for 250K for that gross lesbian wedding they threw. But hey, let’s check out that book she’s been reading in “Autostraddle’s Primer on New & Old Testament’s Mentions of Homosexuality” which will soothe your soul, even if you’ve eaten trail mix, which’s bad for your soul. FYI.
Gabrielle Rivera wanted an all-queer cast for her first short film. When she ended up with straight girls in her three butch/AG leads she found herself giving them a crash-course in abandoning gender norms, taking up space and playing gay. And then everything changed, forever.
If you thought there wasn’t room for one more controversy to sweep Toronto, well, you were wrong. This officially marks the first time ever we haven’t wanted to move to Canada. Also: Judith Butler turns down an award, bisexuality gets surveyed, gay marriage in NY and the lives of gay youths.
The day the music died.
Samantha Ronson never wants to talk about her relationship with Lindsay Lohan nearly as much as we do. Also, she’s not gay, she’s an “equal opportunity player.” The more you know…