Get Baked with Autostraddle: Bread Edition
Everyone’s made bread and you should, too! Four recipes from sweet to savory. I GUESS WE KNOW WHAT YOU’LL BE DOING ALL WEEKEND.
Everyone’s made bread and you should, too! Four recipes from sweet to savory. I GUESS WE KNOW WHAT YOU’LL BE DOING ALL WEEKEND.
Sex education in American high schools has been put through the gauntlet in recent years. What has this meant for the baby queers? Guest contributor Missy S. breaks it down.
The stay on same-sex marriages in California has been extended at least until December. Take a deep breath and hold on tight.
If you like pretty things, queer girls, and science, you need to know about Street Anatomy, a blog about awesome anatomical illustrations.
Wanna know the true origin of “The Power of the Clam” or the names and breeds of Whitney’s five dogs? Of course you do. Jess lifts the veil on Whitney’s main bitches: Romi, Sara and the Real L Word’s voice of reason: her roommate Alyssa.
Summer is nearing its end, but you can still amble about on these stylish, inspiring blogs. They’re like Ambien for your fall-frenzied brain. Seriously. I’m so relaxed right now, I can’t even finish this excerpt.
So the National Organization for Marriage has had this Summer of Marriage tour happening for a while now, which is like the Summer of Love except the exact opposite. Bigots vanquished by adorable precocious children! NOM embarrassed and stood up by Maggie Gallagher! Gays win activism!
Our design director Alex spoke at the BlogHer ’10 Conference this year and it was fun! Wanna talk about it? Here’s kind of sort of what happened and why we should all go next year.
It’s three days until you can get legally married in California, so you had better get all your feelings about the bourgeois upper-middle class heteronormative paradigm out now, before they have to come out in couples therapy later on. While you’re here you can check out an infographic on Lady Gaga, find out which person you have possibly heard of came out this week, mourn the passing of Portland’s only lesbian bar, and celebrate BABIES with NEIL PATRICK HARRIS.
what do you not talk about when you talk about lesbian sex? DO YOU talk about lesbian sex? tell us! we’ll tell you, in the first of a possible series on real lesbian sex topics. also; kink, sex-positivity on tumblr, soul sista lesbo, that l word kissing montage, non-monogamy infographic, the velvet fist and more.
Got an Xbox 360 or a PS3? Share your gamertag here! It’s the purest form of friendship. And you don’t have to share your fries.
Right now two of Autostraddle’s favorite bands – The Cliks and Hunter Valentine – are making their way across the USA in the ‘Guts ‘N Glory’ tour. We’re giving you the chance to win a double pass and to go backstage and meet both bands.
If you think the realm of fantasy might defy our real world gender policing, think again! How Dragon Age: Origins, World of Warcraft and Xbox Live want me to be a size 2 scantily-clad elf and I just wanna be husky with an alt-lifestyle haircut.
Do you live in Sydney? Autostraddle contributor Stef Mitchell is having a photo exhibition on August 19 and you’re invited!
Rosie O’Donnell interviews The Real L Word’s Whitney Mixter — we have the full Rosie Radio recording in which secrets are revealed.
It’s Friday! Here’s a video to make you happy, it’s Ellen DeGeneres dancing on “So You Think You Can Dance.” It’s so happy! Also beforehand she and Portia had vegan lunch.
Rachel Maddow is getting tired of waiting for this Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal, and she wants President Obama to know it. Also, Target’s still not back in gays’ good graces, the future of Prop 8 and musings on the reasons why the h8ers hated the trial so much, as well as an alert on the latest crazed commie pinko homosexual Obama appointee who will bring the end times upon us.
That time of the week. So much better than that time of the month.
11. Are You There, Marriage? It’s Me, Disenfranchised Gay Person