• Same-Sex Marriage in D.C. Starts Tomorrow: Gayest Longest Line Ever Anticipated

    You can get gay married in Washington DC tomorrow! The 40-year-old archives of the Washington Blade won’t be lost forever. A San Antonio police officer was arrested for raping a trans woman. Plus, Atlanta police officers have to testify about a gay bar raid and Olivia Wilde talks health care.

  • Judge Walker and the Comeback Kids: How the Gays Beat Prop 8

    By now you’ve probably heard about Prop 8, right? You’ve probably raised a glass or shed a tear or hugged a puppy, maybe you even told your mom. Wondering what it really means and what’s next? Well good news! Everyone’s favorite resident law expert, Autostraddle Legal Correspondent Jessica is here to explain the ins and outs of the ruling so you can know exactly what to say when you’re gloating to your smack-talking relatives on facebook.

  • Lady Gaga Wants to Gay Marry Her Fans, Therefore Must Be “Manic”

    SMACKDOWN: Did you know that wanting to marry same-sex couples on stage at your Monsterball is one of the DSM-IV criteria for diagnosing bipolar disorder? US NEITHER. Lady Gaga is gonna be surprised.

  • Actual Female Named Most Powerful Gay in America (Guess Who?)

    The Out Top 50 Most Powerful Gays in America ranks a lady at the tippy-top (and a handful of others!) Constance McMillen may not be attending prom, but she’s gonna be grand marshall of the pride parade! A day of firsts, shaving woes, Mike Huckabee is a bigger asshat than we initially thought, and how you can help make the Martin Luther King Jr. Memoiral.

  • Megapost: Kristen Stewart’s Rep, Lohan’s Future, Queen Latifah’s New Show, Et Al

    Basically everyone we ever talk about is in this post. Lindsay Lohan’s new role & good behavior, Santana on the future of Brittana, Gaga does Alejandro on American Idol, Kristen Stewart defends her reputation for not giving a shit, Queen Latifah is writing a girl power scripted show for VH1, James Franco skirts the gay issue, new trailer for Machete starring Lindsay Lohan & Michelle Rodriguez, Ellen apologizes for offending the iPhone, and new PSA for Prop 8 Films.

  • Gays Coming Up: Kids Are Alright, Glambert on Idol, Gay Sketch Show, Moar

    Full trailer for Julianne Moore gay family drama “The Kids Are Alright” is out, as is Sex & the City 2 (gay wedding!) Lady Gaga has your back on gay t-shirts, Portia de Rossi is writing a book about EDs and gayness, Corin Tucker ‘s new album, 90210’s lesbian dish, and Glambert will be on American Idol next week.

  • Gay Prom Update: ACLU Schedules Hearing. Also Constance McMillen’s Mom is Gay!!!

    In a radio interview, Constance mentions that her Mom is gay and also talks about how the response online has warmed her while classmates have been hostile. Also: big boobs do not a “curvy model” make, the case for girl geeks, Miss England trades swimsuits for sports, Karl Lagerfeld hates gay marriage, Tampon ads come back around, and a woman coaches football.

  • Ruby Rose (UPDATE: IS MAYBE NOT) Engaged to Lady Model! Baio’s Lesbian Twitter Wars! Weed! Big Macs!

    Ruby Rose & Catherine McNeil are engaged to get married! Scott Baio called Jezebel a bunch of lesbians! Is it wrong for a gay person to edit Glenn Beck’s books? Plus, pot can maybe help autism, it’s important to come out as married, parents fail at preventing bullying, and insurance companies are buying into fast food.

  • Can Queer Sex Queer Sex Ed?

    Sex education in American high schools has been put through the gauntlet in recent years. What has this meant for the baby queers? Guest contributor Missy S. breaks it down.

  • DADT: Dan Choi Back on Active Duty, Lissa Young Talks to AS, Black Women Disproportionately Affected

    It’s DADT News, and we’ve got good news and bad news. Dan Choi has been called back to active duty! Yes, really! Autostraddle catches up with DADT discharge Lissa Young for her reaction to last week’s hearing (“exhilarating and infuriating.”) Study shows black women disproportionately discharged under DADT (and the affects of all anti-gay laws hit the black community harder). Also; Iowans and New Jersey on gay marriage actions/reactions, Rhode Island’s gay marriage bill and more on Judge Walker.

  • Real L Word #104 Recap: Gambling with Love & Lesbian Sex

    What is lesbian sex? The Real L Word Episode 104, “Gambling with Love,” asks this question and many others. Luckily we made a flowchart & recapped the episode, because that’s what lesbian sex means to us.

  • Virginia AG Favors Rescinding Gay Protections, College Students Raise Hell

    New Virginia AG doesn’t waste any time in office trying to make gays really pissed at him, but at Liberty University students are lovin’ the Creationism 101 discussion. The Denver Archdiocese doesn’t want kids of the gays in their schools, but there are some Catholics who are down with equality. Westboro Baptist Church is going to the Supreme Court. Plus, kerfluffle in Virginia, some tips for the census, and another blow to DADT.

  • Potential Justice Elena Kagan Supports Gay Rights, Has Short Hair. Ruh Roh

    Obama is eyeing Elena Kagan among others to replace Stevens on the Supreme Court and the lesbian rumors are a’flyin’. Oh look everyone is still mad at the Pope! Cyndi Lauper is helping gay youth in Harlem, Dan Choi brings gay Arabic linguist wisdom to Texas A&M, protests in LA. Also, the search for justice for the Aligarh Muslim University professor, and should gay employers be out to their employees?

  • When Lesbians Attack! Stuffed Wolf Stolen From Dinah Shore Party Has Been Returned

    Who stole Kelis’s wolf from her Dinah Shore performance? Martina Navratilova has been diagnosed with breast cancer, rules for the gayborhood, Jillian Michaels, Shannon Wentworth & Gloria Bigelow make Advocate’s 40 Under 40 list, a new study on the gay/straight pill hypothetical, and a woman attends a business seminar and finds men vs. women stereotypes are alive and well.

  • It’s OK to Hate Gays: Exodus International Counters GLSEN’s Tolerance Campaign

    Exodus International counters GLSEN’s message of tolerance with the “day of truth.” Health care is changing in NY and marriage recognition is changing in MD; Miss Beverly Hills is just as bitchy but not as pretty as Carrie Prejean, and the NAACP’s feelings about gay marriage could be maybe on the way to changing. Stuff might be happening again with the Prop 8 trial, people in the Netherlands are protesting the Catholic Church’s exclusion of gays, because obvs Jesus would love to go to your gay wedding.

  • Lesbians ‘Reflect Changes in China’ by Kissing ‘Romantically,’ Sporting ‘Boyish Fashions’

    In China, “transformative change” is observed when two teenage girls, one with a “masculine hairstyle,” kissed on the subway “in an unmistakably romantic way.” Meanwhile in the US, someone’s son wants to wear a dress, someone else’s son comes out every day and pro-gay-bullying organization feels bullied. Kids these days!

  • Anti-Gay CA Senator Ashburn Walks Out of Gay Bar, Gets DUI, COMES OUT

    The lawsuit for those injured in the Atlanta Eagle bar raid needs your help, Roy Ashburn is a lying hypocrite, General Petraeus has worked with queers in the past and hasn’t been raped by a man yet, the VA Attorney General wants to take away college protections, Minnesotans are giving it their all for Uganda, and Roseanne wants to save the gay Mormon kids.

  • Judge Rules: Miss. School Violated Lesbian’s Rights, But Won’t Force Prom

    A ruling is made in the case of Constance McMillen and the heteronormative prom and Newsweek interviews Dan Choi about his new radical stance on political action. Prop 8 opponents have to give show the other side internal emails and memos, which could push back the verdict on the Prop 8 trial. Also: two Malawi men arrested for getting engaged go on trial soon, and Lambda Legal is challenging for same-sex marriage in NJ.

  • GLAAD Awards 2010 Red Carpet, NYC: Robin Shoots!

    Cynthia Nixon, Sarah Paulson and other cute queers & allies come out for the GLAAD Awards 2010 in New York City. Robin was there, took photos.

  • Girls These Days: Bisexual or Lesbian, Educated and Unemployed, Raunchy but Unfunny

    Today, let’s talk about why bisexuals & lesbians are popping up in big numbers on important surveys and how the American College Dream failed black graduates in the recession. Also, Vogue is combating lighter-skinned ideals of beauty in India, the conservatives are the only ones writing about the Day of Silence, and Justin Bieber is part of a lesbian conspiracy.