A “Wynonna Earp” Netflix Binge Is The Gay Light You Need In This Cold, Dark World
The kickass queer, feminist, supernatural horror western that stole our hearts last year is finally on Netflix. Get caught up before season two starts in June!
The kickass queer, feminist, supernatural horror western that stole our hearts last year is finally on Netflix. Get caught up before season two starts in June!
“Bill Potts’s sexuality will be revealed pretty much straightaway in her second line of dialogue when the show returns to BBC One on 15 April.”
Everyone wants to live in the garage!
“Four-and-a-half minutes was all it took to throw me back into this huge river of feeling, and it was exhilarating and rewarding and made me feel light and warm in a place that had been cold and damp for a long time.”
Maggie and Alex are so in love not even Mon-El can ruin the swoon.
We marathoned Season Three of “Grace and Frankie” this weekend and we know EXACTLY what’s going on here.
Well, well, well, look who’s alive: It’s Maia’s actual girlfriend, Amy!
Max and Anne actually have a conversation, and so do Arizona and Webber. Allison moves in on The Real O’Neals. And it’s time to talk about Aubrey Plaza on Legion.
Do we really need another reminder, on what’s supposed to be one of the most feminist shows on TV, that straight white guys get everything they want (including the literal best girl) just because they feel like they deserve it? Isn’t reading the news every day reminder enough?
Hey remember when Stef and Lena made out in the rain? Good times. Good memories. Good ol’ days.
Alex saves the day again and again and Kara finally realizes she’s too good for Mon-El.
Planning on spending a lot of time on the couch? Here are 31 shows that would be good even without lesbian, bisexual and otherwise-identified queer female characters but luckily, they do!
You can’t have a ripped-from-the-headlines legal show without a Milo Yiannopoulos episode.
The new Bake Off line-up has been announced and it’s as confusing as everything else in 2017.
Lesbian moms making out in the rain alert!
Never underestimate how deeply satisfying it is to see a woman vanquish a man who has underestimated her – on television or in real life.
A rundown of all the things you can celebrate the 20th anniversary of Buffy by buying.
Which kale-lovin’, overly-emotional lesbian are you?
Make that 175 dead lesbian and bisexual characters on TV! Also: Arizona and Minnick slept together (kind of) on Grey’s Anatomy.
Buffy is a queer rite of passage. Everybody’s got a Buffy story. These are some of ours.