Real L Word Needs Lesbian Executive Realness, Context, Depth: How We’d Fix It
The Real L Word could’ve been a much better show. Here’s why it failed, and why there might be hope for The Little Chicken That Couldn’t.
The Real L Word could’ve been a much better show. Here’s why it failed, and why there might be hope for The Little Chicken That Couldn’t.
Episode 109 of The Real L Word is THE LAST EPISODE OF THE REAL L WORD. Dinah Shore happens, other things happen OH FOR CHRIST’S SAKE
If you’re looking to mix up your mobile life, spend a little time sizing up Samsung’s impressive new line of Android devices. Meet the Samsung Galaxy S series stars, the Vibrant, Captivate, Fascinate and Epic. Shiny, eh? And available for each of the four main ‘merican carriers!
Comment award time! Get ready to laugh and cry at this week’s funny business and stories about sex ed.
We’re setting you up for the crisp season of autumn with this epic post of styles selected by Becky, Lily and guest blogger Nicolette. From dresses to flannel shirts, plus-sized to menswear. There’s something for everyone, we guarantee it.
We never really saw any reason to spend energy caring about Ann Coulter, and even hearing that she was going to speak at Homocon 2010 didn’t entirely convince us otherwise. But then getting to read her bickering emails with Joseph Farah was so satisfying that we’re kind of getting ‘into’ her! I wonder if she likes Tegan and Sara. Also, a run-down of other conservative ladies doing and saying the DARNDEST THINGS and, to help your recovery lap, Rachel Maddow looks really good as she covers the exit of US Combat Troops.
Do you know how to make Justin Bieber sound good? If you answered “turn up the volume,” that is incorrect. The right answer is: slow down his songs 800%.
ANTM meets its lesbian/bi girl quotient once again, Johnny Weir says amazing things to New York Magazine, Marx and Engels get the homo slashfic treatment, Kathy Griffin speaks out about gay marriage and Harry Potter can help you earn your degree!
Evidence suggests that Cheyenne Williams was not attacked by her three best friends in an alleged hate crime on April 16, 2010. A judge has acquitted one of the three teens and the other acquittals are expected tomorrow. Is this the result of a homophobic court system, or is it possible that Cheyenne Williams was lying about the attack?
Are you in the habit of transforming your thoughts into the written word? Of course you are. So do this one thing I ask of you: download Notational Velocity, the best text editing client in town. Your productivity is soaring, is it not?
We all come across approximately infinite poorly written, ill-researched, patriarchal and offensive things on the internet each day; most of the time, we can let them slide with a shake of the head. Sometimes, though, you can’t. And that’s when you stop being polite and start getting real about youtube, (specifically Tanya Davis’s “How To Be Alone,”) Eat Pray Love, and dbags.
Everyone’s made bread and you should, too! Four recipes from sweet to savory. I GUESS WE KNOW WHAT YOU’LL BE DOING ALL WEEKEND.
Sex education in American high schools has been put through the gauntlet in recent years. What has this meant for the baby queers? Guest contributor Missy S. breaks it down.
The stay on same-sex marriages in California has been extended at least until December. Take a deep breath and hold on tight.
If you like pretty things, queer girls, and science, you need to know about Street Anatomy, a blog about awesome anatomical illustrations.
Wanna know the true origin of “The Power of the Clam” or the names and breeds of Whitney’s five dogs? Of course you do. Jess lifts the veil on Whitney’s main bitches: Romi, Sara and the Real L Word’s voice of reason: her roommate Alyssa.
Summer is nearing its end, but you can still amble about on these stylish, inspiring blogs. They’re like Ambien for your fall-frenzied brain. Seriously. I’m so relaxed right now, I can’t even finish this excerpt.
So the National Organization for Marriage has had this Summer of Marriage tour happening for a while now, which is like the Summer of Love except the exact opposite. Bigots vanquished by adorable precocious children! NOM embarrassed and stood up by Maggie Gallagher! Gays win activism!
Our design director Alex spoke at the BlogHer ’10 Conference this year and it was fun! Wanna talk about it? Here’s kind of sort of what happened and why we should all go next year.
It’s three days until you can get legally married in California, so you had better get all your feelings about the bourgeois upper-middle class heteronormative paradigm out now, before they have to come out in couples therapy later on. While you’re here you can check out an infographic on Lady Gaga, find out which person you have possibly heard of came out this week, mourn the passing of Portland’s only lesbian bar, and celebrate BABIES with NEIL PATRICK HARRIS.