Same Sex, Different Verse: Taylor Swift and Katy Perry Debut New Videos, Still Aren’t Opposites
Why Katy Perry and Taylor Swift’s new music videos aren’t “opposites,” or: “Just When You Thought We Were Done Talking About Taylor Swift and Feminism.”
Why Katy Perry and Taylor Swift’s new music videos aren’t “opposites,” or: “Just When You Thought We Were Done Talking About Taylor Swift and Feminism.”
Get off the fence, your bisexual open thread is here! Research shows it ain’t just a phase and you are not alone. Let’s all be together. Just try not to cheat on me with a dude while I go get you a sandwich.
Bret Easton Ellis, Ira Glass, Tao Lin and Lydia Davis would like to have a word with you.
More comment awards full of love and hilarity. And dirty, dirty bisexuals.
Why is everyone being mean to bisexuals on the internet? Is this about Lindsay Lohan getting out of rehab somehow?
You probably don’t read enough poetry and you would probably be smarter if you did.
Last Thursday, Cee-Lo Green (one half of Gnarls Barkley) debuted “F**k You” from his upcoming album, ‘The Lady Killer.’ The song has now racked up almost 2.5 million views, with even 50 Cent contributing a freestyle remix. Is this latecomer the song of the summer or is it over-hyped?
Prominent Republican official and former George W. Bush campaign manager Ken Mehlman has come out as gay, saying that “It’s taken me 43 years to become comfortable with this part of my life… It’s something I wish I had done years ago.”
Slate does an all-access, totally non-exclusive interview with Kanye West, the would-be king of hip-hop.
Lady Gaga is serious about this Jo Calderone thing: she’s even giving interviews as her male alter-ego! New photos and more info on Jo, which reminds us of Joan of Arc and Jo March.
Lucas from the Cliks and Kiyomi from Hunter Valentine take some time out from their US ‘Guts ‘N Glory’ tour to interview each other for Autostraddle. The result is so adorable it hurts.
Do you have a girlfriend? That’s fine. I also have a girlfriend. But I think you’re cute, and you think I’m cute, and let’s not waste all this cuteness and attraction just because we both have girlfriends. I’m sorry, did that come off a little harsh? It wasn’t supposed to. It’s just what a conversation might sound like in a world where monogamy wasn’t the norm. Contrary to popular belief, monogamy and fidelity are not one in the same. Take it from two lesbians – real lesbians – who have both been in serious relationships, both open and exclusive, and are still trying to figure out what exactly that means.
New Kate Moennig photoshoot, the trailer for Jennifer Beals’ upcoming indie film, A Night for Dying Tigers, Lady Gaga is the Queen of Twitter, Michelle Rodriguez is tired of the butch mystique, and True Blood is REALLY gay.
Hey are you a girl who likes girls? Do you want those girls to come over and maybe spend the night? Here’s 8 things ANYONE can do to increase their chances of getting some lesbian love!
Lesbians of the world, I love you. I love you for the women you are and the pop stars you look up to. I love you. Listen to me.
Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter have gone rogue on the Hatred of Gay People issue, and other conservative groups are Very Upset about it. What goes into the making of a conservative who just kind of feels whatever about gays? We check Google News, look at the Jennifer Keeton case (we won!) and make an informed report – and consider the possibility that maybe The Facts sometimes win.
BioShock is back! The series takes a left turn, away from diving suits and toward the floating city of Columbia. And Metroid: Other M is just around the corner; it’s probably so close you can taste it.
The recent discovery of Mitrice Richardson’s body finally put an end to the speculation about her whereabouts – but there are still important questions that need to be asked about how she disappeared in the first place.
you’re going to read this no matter what i say here, so go for it
On a summer evening in June, some of Team Autostraddle went to see American Idiot: the Musical on Broadway. It was wonderful. And because I never pass up an opportunity to write about Green Day, now I’m gonna to tell you all about it.