Politics + Activism

What Would Elena Kagan Do?

What happens if Elena Kagan is confirmed and joins the Supreme Court? Is she a friend or a foe in disguise as a friend with a lesbian haircut? Our Legal Eagle Jessica attempts to decipher Kagan’s mysterious record to tell you what her confirmation could mean for gay rights and other key issues.

Visual Art

Riese’s Team Pick: Christina Tsevis

I found this artist tonight Christina Tsevis, and at first her pictures look like a fancy kid’s cartoon from an educational video or something, but actually, they’re way more. I think I found the website, dripbook, through someone’s tumblr, I can’t remember. Now I am tumbling the hell out of them. Why not also here.

Society + Culture

Uncool High Schools: Constance McMillen Transfers, Kern Votes Against Harvey Milk Day

Constance McMillen, the lesbian who wanted to bring her girlfriend to prom, has switched schools to avoid bullying. Harvey Milk Day won’t be celebrated by the teenagers who need it most because of homophobic Prop-8-supporting school administrators! Awesome! Also, gay unions legalized in Portugal, more feelings on Elena Kagan, Montgomery College will have an African-American lesbian president, Christian charities are maybe kind of allowed to legally discrimate sort of, and Jezebel wants to talk to you about women’s colleges.

Society + Culture

Transpeople, Ewoks, Dolly Parton: It’s All The Same to Bill O’Reilly

Now that American Eagle staffers don’t have to choose “gender-specific” outfits, what’s to stop them from DRESSING LIKE EWOKS? Lawyers think George Rekers gay sex controversy could call his past expert witness testimony into question. Why aren’t we talking about the sex lives of the white male Supreme Court Justices? Plus, how parents deal with Glee, how to be a good beard, and racism in beauty pageants.


Microsoft’s Unsettling New Kin Ad a Pro-Kidnapping PSA?

The more I think about Microsoft’s newest Kin ad, the more sketched out I get: the video depicts a young woman, sponsored by Microsoft, heading out on a road trip to meet all of the sketchy weirdos she talks to online IN PERSON. And it’s fun, edgy and appealing, just like an Urban Outfitters catalog. So think about how creepy this vid is, then buy a bunch of great games that came out yesterday to feel better.

Movie News & Trailers

Riese’s Team Pick: Trek Nation

OMG YOU CAN NOW WATCH THE TRAILER FOR “TREK NATION,” THE DOCUMENTARY ABOUT GENE RODDENBERRY in which filmmaker Scott Colthrop follows Rod Roddenberry, the son of Star Fucking Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, as Scott “explores his father’s legacy.” Follow the movie’s trek towards getting funding at their website. Actually I “starred” this post in my […]

Pop Culture Fix

Lindsay Lohan’s New Girlfriend? (UPDATE: Not?) Shared Interests Include ‘Art,’ ‘Meaning of Life.’

Does Lindsay Lohan have a new girlfriend? 36-year-old photographer Indrani — a Princeton graduate, photographer and upcoming co-star of Bravo TV show “Exposure” — has reportedly been going on dates with LiLo, being a good influence oh and also discussing art and the meaning of life. This would put Lindsay Lohan on the short-list of bisexual Hollywood starlets who have publicly dated more than one woman.

Pop Culture Fix

Christina Aguilera: Girls Are Pretty, Crazy, Fun, But Nothing Compares to Penis

Christina Aguilera is on the cover of OUT Magazine, assuring the gay men who read it that just like them, she likes dick but thinks girls are pretty (but crazy!!! omg! so cray crayyy). Also, Law & Order may be donzo, Vice does a power couples pictorial (EILEEN MYLES!!!!), Glee gets a new time slot, listen to GLEE doing Bad Romance (it’s pretty freakin’ awesome), Bianca Montgomery gets a facelift and Bitch explains why some stuff just isn’t funny.