If Perez Hilton Wants to Save Gay Teens from Gay Bullies, He Should Quit Being a Misogynistic Gay Bully
Be the change you want to see in the world, Perez Hilton.
Be the change you want to see in the world, Perez Hilton.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed.
If there’s any more bad news today, we’re just going to shut down for the day and start over again tomorrow, because this is fucking ridiculous. The Assistant Attorney General of Michigan is stalking and harassing a college student, because he’s insane and the student is gay. We hate everything.
If no one will make you a sandwich, you should make yourself some dip! Here are four easy recipes that will make you forget all about being a second-class citizen for at least a few minutes. Mmmm mmm mmm, tasty!
Judge Walker, our collective judicial heartthrob, has announced that he’ll be leaving the bench at the end of this year in a decision he says has nothing to do with Proposition 8.
Two more gay teens commit suicide this week: an 18-year-old college freshman jumps off a bridge after finding his roommate secretly recording and transmitting his sexual encounters over the internet and 13-year-old gay-bullying victim Seth Walsh is taken off life support 9 days after he hanged himself.
In which Rachel discusses why she needs to see HOWL right now. “When I was seventeen I went to San Francisco to read poetry. Or maybe I went because I’d already read poetry.”
Hey! Look at the pretty girls dancing on Glee!
Is this real. What is happening. I don’t even
Thinking about coming out to your boss and co-workers? Here’s a little advice from someone who’s done it a few times.
In New York City during October and looking for something hilarious, musical and gay? Come see My Mother’s Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding!
13-year-old Asher Brown was bullied for being gay. Last week he decided he just couldn’t take it anymore.
Are you going to college? Is it because you’re gay? Are you sure? No, neither are we.
Angelina Jolie is robbing Shiloh of her true self, which is apparently hidden by comfortable shoes, cute polo shirts and lizard backpacks. IT’S AN OUTRAGE! HIDE YOUR GIRLS BEFORE THEY GET INTERRUPTED!
If Lindsay Lohan is the ‘most pathetic person alive’ then I must come in at a close second. After all, I’ve been in and out of rehab twice as many times. And the way the media is talking about Lohan is really pissing me off.
The conclusion to our brief and largely ironic community romance with Ann Coulter. “Blacks must be looking at the gays saying, ‘Why can’t we be oppressed like that?’”
Darren Everett Criss has been cast as a new gay character on Glee, who will likely become Kurt’s boyfriend. Also, find out why Chris Colfer doesn’t want to be the Bella Swan of Glee.
Straight women want to do you, naked models in boots, a topless Lilo situation, things that look like vaginas, Sex Blogger Calendar 2011, Suicide Girls horror! Are you still reading this? Did you have sex with a woman this week? You should write about it on the internet so we can link to it next Sunday!
Today there was some good news related to DADT just in time for Sunday Funday! Lucky you. Also, Stephen Colbert did something funny, Celebrate Bisexuality Day happened, many people have many feelings w/r/t Glee and one of those feelings is BRITNEY, and we have insights from Franzen and A REVIEW OF HOWL OMFG.
Sometimes people say things like, “”Now we have a clearer view of the real figures, we need to start asking some serious questions about the vast sums of taxpayers’ money being spent on such a small minority” and we want to smack them down.