Kelsey’s 5 Steps to Coping with Unemployment
It’s a really hard life being unemployed. Here are some of the ways that I cope.
It’s a really hard life being unemployed. Here are some of the ways that I cope.
Amazing Human Gene Robinson is retiring from his post as Bishop because it’s hard out there for a gay bishop and Giant Douchebag Andrew Shirvell is getting fired from his job at the Attorney General’s Office. We’re still unemployed, btw.
Emily Haines is badass.
What color is YOUR aura?
Remember that time in your life when you listened to Oasis and ate at Sbarro? Look inside the eye of your mind, children, don’t you know you might find a better album to play.
This Sunday is extra Funday because we have VIDEOS of EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD. By which we mean Kurt and his maybe future boyfriend, sexy ninja mental asylum ladies, superawesome trans athletes, and a special surprise marine mammal. Oh also did we mention that we managed to elect 106 queers to public office? Pat yourself on the back and have a cupcake. Also Keith Olbermann is on twitter, saying things.
There’s more than one way to straddle a lady. Probably still only one way to skin a cat though. Not sure.
Lip Service 104, in which Frankie finds new ways to have sex/surprise us and everyone else has sex, goes to work, moves around and has feelings.
You guys, it’s gotten so much better. Especially for law students.
Get your cutest v-neck and your game face — it’s time to meet every queer girl in your city who reads Autostraddle and isn’t agoraphobic. A week of celebrations!
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by everything or anything: the family & friends of 26-year old Joseph Jefferson and 19-year-old Raymond Chase remember “out and proud” community leaders. Also; an update on the Terrel Williams suicide hoax some sick f*ck played on the internet.
Here is a list of good Australian musicians nominated for this year’s ARIA music awards, as reported by a real Australian.
Come sleep on my couch, I love you, it’ll be alright.
A five-year-old boy wanted to dress like a character from Scooby Doo who happens to be a girl. Then other kids’ moms made fun of him. We’d like to take this opportunity to define a little something we call SHILOH PANIC.
“As I walked across the mall wondering if the way I walked made me look obviously lesbian, my mind switched to thinking about how much weight I’d have to lose to fit comfortably into those Capri pants.”
Autostraddle’s very own Nat got in a horrible wreck in LA and now her two amazing dogs are missing. Help her find them!
How grim has the future of a DADT repeal become in the new, Republican future? Kinda grim.
Do you have a job? WELL THEN CLEARLY YOU AREN’T A TWENTYSOMETHING WITH A GRADUATE DEGREE. Are you hiring. Can I send you a resume.
This magazine is hot. Buy this magazine.
Ricky Martin gets the Oprah treatment for his new memoir, SamRon tweets about the XTina rumors, the 16th Annual Out 100 issue is upon us, and the women of SNL remind you how they make the show watchable.