Pop Culture Fix

Laura’s Team Pick, I Am Comic Sans, Asshole

Listen up. I know the shit you’ve been saying behind my back. You think I’m stupid. You think I’m immature. You think I’m a malformed, pathetic excuse for a font. Well think again, nerdhole, because I’m Comic Sans, and I’m the best thing to happen to typography since Johannes fucking Gutenberg. Word to my brother […]

Prince of Persia’s Flailings/Failings, Gendering Android and Must-Watch Mario

Kim saw Prince of Persia so we didn’t have to and it sounds like we owe her one. Also, it’s high time you ditch that Yahoo email address, as confirmed by a viral infographic that’s really more like an overdue geek public service announcement. And don’t miss one video that’ll make you feel so high you might actually implode, and another that will also make you feel high but involves Mario. And who can resist DIY Androids? I just can’t deal– that little robot is too much.

Politics + Activism

You’re Free To Travel While Transgender, Protected From Queer Partner Violence

The State and Justice Departments are teaming up to give you kind of a nice Friday – it should now be a lot easier for trans people to get accurate passports, and new guidelines on partner violence are also going to apply to queer relationships. Also, gay Republicans at LA Pride, angry gay Bostonians, the superstar teen sailor is missing, Exodus International wants you to know it’s sorry but you’re still going to hell, and a Jewish/Arab lesbian feminist has some thoughts to share.

Visual Art

Embodiments that Matter: Queer America Looks Like You

Molly Landreth and Amelia Tovey have set out into the gay wide open to document the faces, stories and sounds of this crazy queer country in their amazing photo/bio project, Embodiment: A Portrait of Queer Life in America. They sat down with Autostraddle to talk about the incredible things they’ve been doing, where they’re heading next, and why this work is so important.