Ten Points to Autostraddle Commenters, You Guys Are Magical
“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award ten points to Mr Neville Longbottom.”
“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award ten points to Mr Neville Longbottom.”
The edited version of Tina Fey’s Mark Twain Prize acceptance speech misses her entire point, GLEE gets post-Superbowl slot, Pink on Ellen, probs no more Kathy Griffin My Life on the D-List and Cher & X-Tina do #ItGetsBetter.
The original Prop 8 case wasn’t televised, but the hearing on whether or not Prop 8 should ultimately be repealed will be.
Can the Democrats really manage to end DADT in Congress while they still have a majority? We hope so, because otherwise it’s back to the drawing board.
I kissed a girl and I liked it and way later, I showed up on a website called “People of Public Transport.”
The AFTAH is concerned about gay people and airport security, namely, that Ellen DeGeneres will be assigned to pat down female travelers. Also: the first transgender judge in the US was just elected, and the age for coming out in Britain is getting younger.
Maybe you think it’s stupid because it’s just a book and Harry Potter doesn’t exist. Well, he does for me. And I’m a better person because of it.
Real L Word stars Rose Garcia and Stamie Karakasidis infuse life in the New York City lesbian comedy scene at The Stonewall Inn.
Thought Gwyneth Paltrow maxed out her musical mojo in the classic Huey Lewis Karaoke-themed film “Duets”? THINK AGAIN, GLEEKSTER.
Come discuss the one million gaming releases that will certainly lead to our collective system failures.
Students at St. Charles North High School wore “Straight Pride” tshirts to school last week. But it’s fair because that’s just the other side of the argument you start by wearing gay pride tshirts which no one even did, right? No.
RENT is being revived Off Broadway in June 2011 and Riese has feelings about it, Ryan Murphy is figuring out the Kurt/Blaine sitch, Queen Latifah hovers around #ItGetsBetter, and the making of Pink’s new video.
Take Back The Night. But also, cat massage!
Canadian Thanksgiving happened on October 11, which means that Carolyn and all the other Canadians have already experienced the joys of family togetherness. Lucky for you, she documented the whole thing. Recipes included!
Forget prom — lesbians at Del City High School are being told they shouldn’t even bother showing up to graduation.
In this one, everything goes to shit. Seriously, everyone ends up unhappy. But at least there’s some sex along the way!
Two female school administrators have an affair. They break up. One threatens to kill the other, who consequently reports this threat. No word on stopping that death threat but the good news is THEY’RE BOTH GETTING FIRED. Thank the good lord b/c I was worried about how this lesbian affair might impact PSAT prep.
P!nk’s Greatest Hits Record is about to drop but my fangirl heart knows it should probably be a two-disc set with the list of songs contained in this post. This is very important.