Politics + Activism

U.S Government Really Likes Us Gays or is F*cking With Our Heads

The Pentagon has agreed to meet with a group of partners of gay servicemembers and discuss the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal in addition to listening to the opinions of straight soldiers’ partners. One small step for mankind, amirite? (amirite?) Furthermore, Ken Mehlman being gay is NBD ’cause apparently the GOP doesn’t care about same-sex marriage anymore anyhow? Also the (conservative) guys raising money for our rights have historically raised money for anti-gay candidates. Oh yeah and Roger Ebert loves gay people.


On Loving ‘F**k You’ By Cee-Lo

Last Thursday, Cee-Lo Green (one half of Gnarls Barkley) debuted “F**k You” from his upcoming album, ‘The Lady Killer.’ The song has now racked up almost 2.5 million views, with even 50 Cent contributing a freestyle remix. Is this latecomer the song of the summer or is it over-hyped?


Why We Have an Open Relationship: A Dialogue on Queer Polyamory for Lesbians

Do you have a girlfriend? That’s fine. I also have a girlfriend. But I think you’re cute, and you think I’m cute, and let’s not waste all this cuteness and attraction just because we both have girlfriends. I’m sorry, did that come off a little harsh? It wasn’t supposed to. It’s just what a conversation might sound like in a world where monogamy wasn’t the norm. Contrary to popular belief, monogamy and fidelity are not one in the same. Take it from two lesbians – real lesbians – who have both been in serious relationships, both open and exclusive, and are still trying to figure out what exactly that means.