Food and Drink

Laura’s Team Pick: 17 and Baking

I’ve got a dozen or so food sites in my Google Reader, but this one is my newest favorite. Elissa, the now-18 author of 17 and baking, has a couple things that I wish I would’ve had in high school–self-confidence, a kitchenaid mixer, proximity to a farmers’ market, and a well-developed writer’s voice.. Her blog […]

TV Feature

Televisionary Q&A: How “Real” is “The Real L Word”?

I’ve got some questions about “The Real L Word.” So I tracked down a veteran reality TV editor and established fan of reality teevee programs to get the scoop on how scenes get constructed, what makes TRLW different than other shows, the Theory of the Dogs, “Frakenbiting,” who controls the “stories” being told and other supreme secrets of editorial magic!