Politics + Activism

Wikileaks and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell: A Gay Love Story

The mainstream media is catching on to the fact that PFC Bradley Manning of Wikileaks fame is gay. The New York Times wonders whether Manning’s childhood and teen years as a gay man were part of what led him to release thousands of pages of classified military documents – we wonder whether it might not be a little more complicated than that. What does it mean to betray a country that treats you as a second class citizen?

Society + Culture

Valedictorian Calls Out U.S. School System, Brainwashed Students, Herself

Erica Goldson, valedictorian of Coxsackie-Athens High School, used her graduation speech to deconstruct the institution rewarding her. Must read & process: “Now, I have successfully shown that I was the best slave. I did what I was told to the extreme. While others sat in class and doodled to later become great artists, I sat in class to take notes and become a great test-taker.”

TV News & Trailers

Sofia Black D’Elia Will Play Lesbian “Tea” in MTV’s Skins US, is a Shoo-In for AfterEllen’s 2011 Hot 100

MTV’s Skins US announced its cast and Sofia Black D’Elia will be playing the lesbian charcter, Tea. Also, weird lesbo hugs for Queen Latifah and her girlfriend I MEAN ‘trainer’, bizarre lesbian advice in the Daily Star, Lady Gaga’s stage dive at Lolla, Judge Walker’s post-trial party, Jane Lynch’s SNL hosting gig and NOM’s sucky summer.

Politics + Activism

Judge Walker and the Comeback Kids: How the Gays Beat Prop 8

By now you’ve probably heard about Prop 8, right? You’ve probably raised a glass or shed a tear or hugged a puppy, maybe you even told your mom. Wondering what it really means and what’s next? Well good news! Everyone’s favorite resident law expert, Autostraddle Legal Correspondent Jessica is here to explain the ins and outs of the ruling so you can know exactly what to say when you’re gloating to your smack-talking relatives on facebook.