Politics + Activism

Some Conservatives Hate Gays Less Than Others, Possibly Have Been Influenced by “Facts”

Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter have gone rogue on the Hatred of Gay People issue, and other conservative groups are Very Upset about it. What goes into the making of a conservative who just kind of feels whatever about gays? We check Google News, look at the Jennifer Keeton case (we won!) and make an informed report – and consider the possibility that maybe The Facts sometimes win.

Politics + Activism

Ann Coulter Writes Crazy Emails, Anticipates Homocon, Is a Great Purim Costume

We never really saw any reason to spend energy caring about Ann Coulter, and even hearing that she was going to speak at Homocon 2010 didn’t entirely convince us otherwise. But then getting to read her bickering emails with Joseph Farah was so satisfying that we’re kind of getting ‘into’ her! I wonder if she likes Tegan and Sara. Also, a run-down of other conservative ladies doing and saying the DARNDEST THINGS and, to help your recovery lap, Rachel Maddow looks really good as she covers the exit of US Combat Troops.

Movie Reviews

Eat Pray Love Won’t Teach You How to Be Alone (or, “First Try to See Something, Anything Else”)

We all come across approximately infinite poorly written, ill-researched, patriarchal and offensive things on the internet each day; most of the time, we can let them slide with a shake of the head. Sometimes, though, you can’t. And that’s when you stop being polite and start getting real about youtube, (specifically Tanya Davis’s “How To Be Alone,”) Eat Pray Love, and dbags.