Thoughts on a TV Show About American Police Women
In which we briefly discuss ‘Police Women of [City]’ and how it makes us feel. Between the legs.
In which we briefly discuss ‘Police Women of [City]’ and how it makes us feel. Between the legs.
“We want the government to hang people who promote homosexuality, not for the public to attack them. We said they should be hanged, not stoned or attacked.”
Portia & Pink surprise Ellen on her birthday show and it’s really cute. Also, Portia is Bust Magazine’s Feb/Mar covergirl.
Are you ready, Kermit?
This episode is the reason you’re watching Skins US
There’s a grocery store in Arkansas that used the porno-block to shield young patrons from the Elton John Had a Baby Edition of US Weekly. For example. Little things.
Sometimes I’m like, “Does the ‘Get Baked’ thing still work if we’re talking about [food that is not baked]?” And then I’m like, “Shut up when does a weed reference NOT work.” BITCHIN’ SOUP.
The Oprah show was even gayer than normal yesterday as she brought back her fave LGBT guests. Let’s celebrate with our favorite interviews! Ellen+Anne, Ellen+Portia, Glambert and more!
Wanna watch the State of the Union with a stoned Canadian? What’s a liveblog?
Times are hard, but no one knows better than the gays that if you work for it, things can get immeasurably better. Here’s a snapshot of what the job market looks like for us right now, and why we feel better about it than straight people do.
Did you have a rough weekend / month / lunch break? Here are some sweet stories to help keep your chin up.
Robert Greenblatt brings his lezzie vibe from Showtime to NBC — making this the second time in human history a network has picked up a lesbian-themed sitcom EVER.
there’s just so much identity theft in florida and porn in utah and um, air pollution in california.
Rite-Aid ate my heart. Also part of my head for real. It’s time for a beauty bar / medicine cabinet overshare and open thread!
Hey UK Autostraddlers, what are you doing in June, roughly the weekend of the 17th? Because, just saying, the answer could be “partying with Uh Huh Her and Heather Peace and basically every other lesbian ever.” Just wanted to throw that out there.
Bad and not-that-bad stuff happening with homophobes in the UK, Toronto, Ohio, Michigan and New Zealand. Also some good news, silver lining, heartwarming things and a Daily Show clip!
Julie Goldman and Brandy Howard have celebrity wine from JD & Sia. What do you have. Put your shirt on. No don’t.
This post has Skins, teenage lesbians, James Franco, Mean Girls, a new Lady Gaga song, and gay cats. If you don’t like any of that, then I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do for you.
“Pariah: The Movie” is a hit at Sundance. It’s written/directed by queer women of color and it’s about queer women of color and THIS IS F*CKING AWESOME YOU GALS
We have a guest-poster today who wants you to have the greenest orgasm ever. (Also, other things!)