Open Thread: Snow Day!
True Life: I May Lose A Limb To Frostbite And/Or Shoveling Accident
True Life: I May Lose A Limb To Frostbite And/Or Shoveling Accident
Remember when Leonardo DiCaprio still looked like a girl?
George W. Bush’s daughter Barbara Bush has released a video supporting gay marriage equality. For real.
Healthcare reform goes to Washington! Because a judge in Florida ruled it unconstitutional, and you know what that means.
Get your hot chocolate and 1989 World Series Puzzle out, it’s time to bundle up and think about how Governor of Illinois Pat Quinn signed Civil Unions legislation into law today!
Like Target and Dominoes before it, Chik-Fil-A is the next corporate chain on the chopping block for supporting anti-gay groups.
This seems like a good excuse to make an entire post of New Kids on the Block music videos.
b.) Did I already miss The View?
Less than 24 hours after lawsuit filed, the school decides it’d probs make more sense just to let ’em walk. We still don’t know what anybody’s wearing, though.
We want your funny sex stories and also, a review of a giant purple dong. That’s not all though, there’s other stuff too.
There’s something for everyone this Sunday Funday – from Ugandan lesbian Brenda Namigadde who is safe at least for now from persecution in her home country, to a bronze bust of Sean Connery in Estonia. The world is full of wonderful things.
“Life-ruining news is like great gossip, it must be shared immediately, and with as many people as you can possibly reach. So here I am.”
Oh look there’s another high school administration that’s discriminating against an out lesbian couple at a formal school dance. It’s like they’ve never seen Mean Girls, don’t they know school dances are about accepting difference and being cute?
Focus Features picks up “Pariah” for six figures, which means there’s a really good chance you will actually be able to see it! Like — in the theater even. (!!!)
“My experience living as a girl and as a female for so long and my experience transitioning to and living as a man are central to my identity – to who I am and who I am becoming.”
I hope you appreciate the massive number of awards I give out each week.
Ten comic books that are uppercase Gay, lowercase gay or gay by the power of their proximity to me.
The majority of Americans support equality on a variety of gay equality issues — the government just needs to catch up. A look at 2011’s gay marriage initiatives around the country and hope for the future.
“No matter gay, straight, or bi/lesbian, transgendered life/I’m on the right track baby/I was born to survive”