Jeopardy Proves the End Is Nigh, Watson Will Enslave Us Soon
Watch Watson the supercomputer face off against puny humans on Jeopardy!
Watch Watson the supercomputer face off against puny humans on Jeopardy!
Hearts are warmed, words are yelled, hugs are hugged, lips are kissed — it’s “All Em, all the time.”
Gaga acknowledged Madonna’s existence and the world didn’t end!
“Speaking frankly as a lesbian I have to say that the salient fact about the danger zone I call home is the persistent experience of witnessing the quick revulsion of people who believe that because I love women I am a bottom feeder. I am desperately running towards what anyone in their right mind would be running away from. Which is femaleness, which is failure.”
This year some people went way above and beyond buying Disney-themed Valentines from Walgreens – these queers are out there fighting for their right to marry, because Valentine’s Day should be about everyone.
Michele chats to Brooklyn duo CREEP, a two-piece of synth-heavy, dubsteppy shoegaze featuring Lauren Dillard and Lauren Flax.
Ten elements of last nights Grammy Awards Ceremony. A picture-heavy post, suitable for readers of all levels.
The best Valentine I ever got was in the ninth grade and it was done in colored pencil. You?
Has anyone else ever loved you enough to make you TWO DIFFERENT vegan macaroni and cheese dishes? Don’t ever say we aren’t good to you. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY QUEERMOS, we made some things for you!
How you’ll learn to stop worrying about lesbians and love Franky Fitzgerald.
How did we do with this flickering massage candle and very fancy Lelo vibrator??
For Valentine’s Day we wanted to have Jimmy McMillan sing you something sexy along with Hanson but you just got this Sunday Funday instead.
“Before we talk tomorrow, it’s important that you guys know that Nacho loves Mazzy Star.”
You’re going to be really embarrassed when she pulls out a Je Joue Mimi vibrator and all you’ve got are those dumb roses.
Bette Porter, Carmen de la Pica Morales, Helena Peabody and Alice Pieszecki have been asking for you.
Listen to Lady Gaga’s gay anthem “Born This Way” and decide if it breaks new ground or is just a refurbished “Express Yourself.”
This video includes a Justin Bieber song, a Glee parody, and funny good-looking girls pretending to be Brittany and Santana. You’re welcome.
A wise woman once said to me, “This is how we live: no fucks to give.” And she wasn’t talking about getting laid.
“You are a fool, Harry Potter, and you will lose everything.” – Lord Voldemort
What’s worse than (possibly) getting fired for being gay? Having it maybe not be illegal?