Politics + Activism

DADT Survey Results Are In: Gays Won’t Mess Up the Army (But John McCain Might)

The survey is in! Guess what? We were totally right. John McCain says it’s the wrong survey and also, he ate his meat so why hasn’t he gotten is pudding and also he wasn’t invited to Gates’ birthday party and also he’s cast in the chorus of Little Red Hen and he wanted to be the Little Red Hen and NO THAT IS NOT THE FORK HE WAS TALKING ABOUT he wants the Winnie-the-Pooh fork.

Society + Culture

Every Silver Lining Has a Touch of Gay

This Sunday Funday we take time to sit back and reflect on how sometimes there are perks to being second-class citizens, like the time you got stood up for dinner but that way you got to watch the entire ANTM marathon! Also, more details on Gaga’s new album, Katie Miller’s plans for the future, top 15 Glee guest stars, Privilege Denying Dude returns, and good news on the HIV medication front!