Gay And Trans-Inclusive ENDA Introduced Again, Probably Going Nowhere Again
Today ENDA will be reintroduced to the House of Representatives and also fail in the House of Representatives.
Today ENDA will be reintroduced to the House of Representatives and also fail in the House of Representatives.
“To ask’s 33 million unique monthly visitors to switch to a cash-for-manufactured-goods-based model from the standard everything-online-should-be-free-for-reasons-nobody-can-really-explain-based model is pretty fearless.”
Mike Huckabee REALLY doesn’t want you to get married, and right now he’s the most likely Republican Presidential candidate. Awesome.
It’s the biggest class action lawsuit of all time! It’s about gender discrimination! I read all 115 declarations!
For the fourth time in seven years, Canada is going to have a federal election. This one is slated for May 2, mark it on your calendars, Canadians!
Mary Oliver writes poetry about nature. Both kinds of nature.
Between Canada working towards welcoming more gay refugees and America working towards deporting fewer of them, we look forward to an unprecedented number of gay people in the western hemisphere. Also: some other stuff about lesbians on the internet!
A new song every day!
Sweet jams for making sweet sweet love or the opposite of that.
“Everything that Gov. Walker is doing is ideological,” Pines added. “I don’t see that his administration has any particular respect for the law per se.” Awesome!
Target is suing a gay rights group for petitioning outside its stores, further complicating its relationship to the gay community.
So I think this is the best playlist for the day.
“There’s a complete lack of distinction here between ending violence against an oppressed minority and somehow forcing people to support that minority.”
and you need a hug.
It’s season two, b*tches, get ready to get dark. We’re back. Real dark.
“I’m in this bitch / Everything rojo / Feet kicked up with a blunt / Watching LOGO”
“You can’t trust lesbians. You invite them / to your party and they don’t come, / they’re too busy tending vaginal / flowers, hating football, walking their golden / and chocolate labs.”
This exists:
Do you know what a revocable living trust is? It might be the difference between having a family tragedy be heart-breaking or world-ending.
Being gay is “one of many conditions that beset fallen humanity,” and Exodus International wants to help you!, through prayer and the Internet.