The Trouble With Counting The Gays
This article is an example of a lesbian putting her B.A in Sociology to good use, regarding controversy surrounding a recent study that only 3.5% of the US population identifies as LGBT.
This article is an example of a lesbian putting her B.A in Sociology to good use, regarding controversy surrounding a recent study that only 3.5% of the US population identifies as LGBT.
Autostraddlers in New York City are going to be selling lemonade like cute little girls do, with a lemonade stand, on April 23 to raise money for pediatric cancer research!
A new study from Oregon shows that when you treat queer teens like actual humans, they are significantly more likely to want to be alive. (Being in a democrat-majority county is also helpful, sidenote)
Fundraising for Autostraddle to keep on existing — it’s a thing.
“I have a lot of feelings about Oprah. I want to deliver for Oprah.” -Rosie O’Donnell
“I am very cynical about institutions and their willingness to address themselves to reform. I am not cynical when it comes to individuals and people.”
Delaware, land of my credit card bills, makes Civil Unions happen.
California children are one step closer to being allowed to find out that gay people exist, Adam Lambert sets us straight on nail polish, and Anita Bryant got pied for real.
I will keep bothering everyone about the election until the election is over.
Straight people have appropriated lesbian bed death. Also: butch bottoms, a lez learning to masturbate, some new tumblrs and dirty sheets.
Rep. Trent Franks and Maggie Gallagher both had a lot of feelings about gay marriage being bad, but it turns out no one cared about them.
Autostraddle needs: 1. money, 2. people who know how to get more money. Businessey addy type people. Details inside.
The incredibly true story of my first two months in Kampala, Uganda, where I really can’t tell anyone that I’m gay.
The contempt, and rage, felt toward the lesbian community in South Africa is pretty devastating, and the meeting with the LGBTQ activists wasn’t the catalyst we’d hoped for…
Today thousands of students will be silent for all or part of the school day to call attention to the harassment and discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth.
Listen to the premiere of the new Gaga single, “Judas.” Plus, two queer indie bands Sick of Sarah and Brooklyn-based, Mitten.
British producer Gold Panda has remixed Lykke Li’s “Sadness is a Blessing.” Click, listen, fawn!
It turns out that the Republicans have no issues with gay people or homophobia at all! Glenn Beck said so. So it’s cool.
Is it significant that I eat bananas as I write this?
“I bet you have 100 pictures of Shane on your computer”