Dear Lizzie Thinks Bi-Questioning Teen Should Just Not Think About That Right Now
Can advice columnists start forwarding all gay-related teen questions to our formspring, please?
Can advice columnists start forwarding all gay-related teen questions to our formspring, please?
Lesbians are free from inequality in a world where sexuality is a non-issue and having a lesbo-pal is trendy! I read it in the paper!
“where downward dog is a man’s best friend.”
“Despite strong suggestions / all-out requests, I’ve successfully avoided writing about parenting or my children for two years! And now that’s over.”
First impressions: Kate Cooper still has adorable hair.
Because gay Christian kids have got to go to college somewhere.
We are all made of tiny monsters.
Does “Save Splashley” mean anything to you? Help turn South of Nowhere into a feature length movie! Plus, Season 3 of Anyone But Me.
She found out from her friend, ‘Kay Ryan you won a Pulitzer,’ on the phone. She won for her volume “The Best of It.”
Important updates regarding how we’re raising money to keep Autostraddle alive & kicking! Also, we love you.
You’ll regret it.
Casting call! “Whether you’re gay, straight or bisexual, you just go with the flow.”
If you were worried that your tax dollars weren’t going to be used to defend DOMA any longer, well, you can probably rest easy now.
Feel all the feelings.
The incredibly true story of a girl in love with Netflix instant who watched 4 GLBTQ-related documentaries and one about politics and hip-hop and would like to share her experience with you.
“I was always into very androgynous things. Guys, girls … I’m into androgyny in general.”
I wonder what Queerty would say about Queerty closing?
This article is an example of a lesbian putting her B.A in Sociology to good use, regarding controversy surrounding a recent study that only 3.5% of the US population identifies as LGBT.
Autostraddlers in New York City are going to be selling lemonade like cute little girls do, with a lemonade stand, on April 23 to raise money for pediatric cancer research!
A new study from Oregon shows that when you treat queer teens like actual humans, they are significantly more likely to want to be alive. (Being in a democrat-majority county is also helpful, sidenote)