“Lez Get Real” Editor Paula Brooks is Actually a 58-Year-Old Man in Ohio
This is right up there with “the most offensive things you a-holes have done to us.”
13 Lesbian Conversations About the Same Thing.
Everything old is new again! Check out these vintage swimsuits!
Don’t you love it when people come out as straight?
16 tracks, mixed pretty freakin well, all of which are perfect for getting down with your bad self.
Straight guy poses as a lesbian on the internet, acquires internet girlfriend — with a devastating and appalling political twist.
I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. It’s a BEST CONCERTS OPEN THREAD!
This week Obama’s administration informed the state Medicaid agencies that they had better start treating gay families equally as far as Medicaid benefits, DOMA or no DOMA. Also, Lady Gaga at Pride, Tina Fey, Chloe Sevigny, and very cute videos featuring marriage equality and/or dancing children.
Hello, today is Lesbosexy Sunday! There’s so much to do and think about.
Watch the webcast of Comedy Central Live at Bonnaroo Comedy Tent. It’s just like you’re not there at all!
What if DOMA were repealed but gay couples still weren’t able to have the same federal marriage rights as straight ones?
Combine a guaranteed-good-time Pride Party with a fundraiser for Revel and Riot (gay company!) and you have a thing happening this Sunday in Los Angeles that I will be at and am definitely recommending you pencil into your busy social schedule.
“Alike is a 17-year-old African-American woman who lives with her parents and younger sister in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene neighborhood. Alike is quietly but firmly embracing her identity as a lesbian.”
Get your charcoal, lighter fluid, and beverage of choice and get ready to impress your friends with the magic of fire!
I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!
When it’s too hot to move, just hit play.
Before you read the awards, ask yourself: Have I filled out the reader survey yet?
Hipster or lesbian? Whatever, I’m obsessed with this video.
Alix Smith is a totally amazing lesbian photographer from New York who is currently trying to finish a rad and important project that is relevant to our interests. And she needs your help.