Intern Bren’s Team Pick: Ferris Bueller’s Last Day Off
Bueller… Bueller…
Bueller… Bueller…
What if A. was a lesbian? WHAT THEN?
In which Laura walks you through an entire menu including falafel, tabouli, pita and more!
David Tyree is in a new NOM video, discussing same-sex marriage leading to anarchy. Meanwhile, the NY marriage bill has passed the assembly and is still waiting for a Senate vote.
Includes queer love, food puns, an alternative lifestyle haircut, and the phrase, “Wow, I forgot how much I liked Sleater-Kinney!”
Get ready to read ALL OF THE BOOKS.
A run-down of our prospective Republican Knights of the Apocalypse and a look at Michele Bachmann’s alleged lesbian “assault” and another moment of praise for Gay GOP Candidate Fred Karger.
Kansas governor cuts funding for the arts, looks to private donors to take up the slack — and some people think that’s a good thing.
“Like yes, am I a lesbian who has sex and falls in love and gets my heart broken and gets drunk? Yes, but I’m a lot of other things too.”
Why is she not calling / texting back? Oh no, did you come on too strong? Is her phone dead? Is your phone dead? Maybe your phone’s just not receiving texts today. Did you pay your bill?
Cartoons to make your day considerably more whimsical.
We won a thing in California again! However if we hadn’t won THIS thing, I’d probably be screaming from my eyeballs right now. Real loud.
Kathleen Hanna rules.
Will your girl eventually want another girl? Is your long-term relationship robbing her of sexual growth and personal development? This is a good opportunity to talk about yourself under the guise of helping someone else.
We’re one vote away from cinching a win on the same-sex marriage bill introduced in the NY State Senate today.
“While my secret goal is to form a pop-sensational, ultra-queer, boi band supergroup, we’re mostly going to examine the media’s relationship with the queer community.”
Trade us your pride pictures for fame and fortune but mostly Internet fame! Also a complete pride guide so you can meet up with other straddlers, etc.
You were born this way, now it’s time to get paid!
Filing tax returns as a gay couple is awful, but surprisingly, this year the IRS actually seems sorry about it.
Taylor went, saw, and conquered at E3 2011 last week. What are the hottest upcoming games? Well, wouldn’t you like to know! (Elder Scrolls V, BioShock Infinite and more!)