Molly Landreth And Her Queer Portraiture Are On Etsy
Rachel’s Team Pick: Molly Landreth of Embodiment now has prints for sale on Etsy that you will love.
Rachel’s Team Pick: Molly Landreth of Embodiment now has prints for sale on Etsy that you will love.
Fortunately, now that the SATs are over and I’ve aged out of my locker-focused worries, I have the brain capacity to not only comprehend the struggle of LGBTQ youth, but to also do something about it.
Riese’s Team Pick: curated non-fiction from my favorite website longform and Byliner, a new site to “discover & discuss great reads by great writers.”
“It is possible to protest misogyny with my legs spread wide open and I am going to just that.”
The mainstream media is not pushing a liberal agenda, they’re just lazy sensationalist, but Fox is pushing a right wing agenda and this video is just a thing you must see.
GO! Magazine has a list of 100 women they love. We love ’em all, too, but a few have a special place in our heart.
The New York State Senate did not vote on same-sex marriage last week and they did not vote on it today. When will they vote on it?
LBT Latinas have (surprise!) unique sexual health needs and Latinas are being targeted by anti-choice groups — how do we meet these needs and how do we keep the discussion inclusive?
test test test
They call their gay employees “Gayglers.” Really, Papi.
Is acting like you’re going to have lesbian sex, and then not really having it, and then stealing the girl’s shirt/dress/car the hottest new trend? This ad depressingly says “yes.”
It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for, Autostraddle t-shirts are here!
In a 5-4 vote, the supreme court has voted to toss what would’ve been the largest class-action suit ever, filed on behalf of nearly 1.5 million female Wal-Mart employees.
“Acceptance of same-sex sexual attractions and sexual orientation may not mean the formation of an L.G.B. sexual-orientation identity. Alternate identities may develop instead.”
“I hate parties. They’re so competitive.”
Day Two! All hands on tweetdeck! Queer Media and the Alternative Revolution (my panel!), overall political inspiration, business casual, and BEER.
We deserve much better than we’ve had!
Gay marriage in New York state is looking more and more likely with the support of senator Roy McDonald. Also, Lady Gaga disturbs the peace in Paris, Glee gets really gay IRL, Tracy Morgan visits gay homeless youth and also Harry Potter news?!
~6-7 of you think you know a thing or two about lesbian sex, the rest of you probably do too, everyone should read this
xQsi (Porque Si) Magazine is an online media publication that embraces the diversity of interests in the Latin@ LGBTQ community. Bottom line: this site is f*cking rad.