Jessie J Likes and Dates Girls and Doesn’t Care Who Knows It
Jessie J’s a pop artist on the rise and she’s doing this thing where she’s actually open about her sexuality. It’s kinda awesome.
Jessie J’s a pop artist on the rise and she’s doing this thing where she’s actually open about her sexuality. It’s kinda awesome.
I want to ride on a sailboat with you after we do yoga. You in?
“This is my new favorite thing. Not just my new favorite toy but actually my new favorite thing of everything.”
Google+ is taking the interweb by storm! Read up on what you need to know and snag an invite while you’re at it!
Jesus Christ Nell, all I did was ask you what you wanted to have for lunch…
I wish we called Halloween “The 31st of October.”
More than any other presidential candidate, Michele Bachmann really has it out for the gays. Here’s why.
“When I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle for Halloween, she was a princess.”
“If this outfit was a monster, it would be Gayzilla.”
Surprise, Katy Perry said something really transphobic!
“I wore a lot of No Fear. No Fear for sure.”
A fantastic trailer for a book about the dangers of homosexuality, a world map of useless stereotypes, Coronation Street is too gay, and about 15 other stories relevant to your interests.
Intern Bren’s Team Pick: “Who wrote the Bible again? I’ve forgotten.”
Lesbians and granola go together like cat photos and the Internet. Today on Get Baked: honey-almond granola, pecan granola, and “I am allergic to everything ever” buckwheat granola.
Carmen’s Team Pick: Who was around last time you were street harassed? Did anyone say anything?
Schoolkids in California are one step away from having gay role models included in their standard social science curriculum.
“All this whispering and sneaking around has the effect of making the Liars seem like they’re all in secret lesbian relationships with each other.”
“The ruling by the 9th Circuit in Log Cabin Republicans v. United States removes all uncertainty – American servicemembers are no longer under threat of discharge as the repeal implementation process goes forward.”
Ontario has pledged that Ontario students will have gay support groups if they want them. Catholic schools still aren’t sure GSAs fall into that category. In other news, rainbows are still banned.
Lady Gaga defends her gay activism, Kristen Stewart is cast in Snow White, Brittana + Blaine/Kurt kiss live in Dublin & Portia de Rossi says it’s more difficult to be vegan than gay.