Glee Hires a Lesbian Co-Exec-Producer, Keeps Brittana’s Future in Good Hands
Glee names lesbian TV writer Allison Adler as it’s new co-executive producer. Also, Jane Lynch and Gwyneth Paltrow cameo on the tour being filmed for the Glee 3D movie.
Glee names lesbian TV writer Allison Adler as it’s new co-executive producer. Also, Jane Lynch and Gwyneth Paltrow cameo on the tour being filmed for the Glee 3D movie.
You can run, but you can’t hide! (But you *can* walk off the stage like nothing happened because you have no soul.)
“When Beyonce sang “to the left, to the left,” I think she was directing me toward Netroots.”
There was a vote today in the U.N. that is very relevant to your interests.
Successful Mormons have to hide their true identity! They’ve been persecuted for their marriage practices! They’re marginalized and misunderstood! Now they’re winning! You know, just like they won Prop 8.
#1 – Never apologize for being an artist.
Did gay books save your life?
If the Internet were high school, Autostraddle commenters would be the funny kid who’s friends with everybody.
Chris Cochrane, a Halifax trans woman, was shot in the arm by two men yelling homophobic transphobic slurs.
“Here is the thing about my tonsil doctor: He doubles as a plastic surgeon because I am from Palm Beach and that’s just how we roll down there.”
“If you wanna know what my recurring Gaga dreams are like, its basically like this.”
Bueller… Bueller…
What if A. was a lesbian? WHAT THEN?
In which Laura walks you through an entire menu including falafel, tabouli, pita and more!
David Tyree is in a new NOM video, discussing same-sex marriage leading to anarchy. Meanwhile, the NY marriage bill has passed the assembly and is still waiting for a Senate vote.
Includes queer love, food puns, an alternative lifestyle haircut, and the phrase, “Wow, I forgot how much I liked Sleater-Kinney!”
Get ready to read ALL OF THE BOOKS.
A run-down of our prospective Republican Knights of the Apocalypse and a look at Michele Bachmann’s alleged lesbian “assault” and another moment of praise for Gay GOP Candidate Fred Karger.
Kansas governor cuts funding for the arts, looks to private donors to take up the slack — and some people think that’s a good thing.