NY Same-Sex Marriage Inspires Surprising and Unsurprising Reactions from Important Leaders
Pat Robertson, Barack Obama, Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Michele Bachmann, Maggie Gallagher, the Jewish Orthodox Union, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Ruben Diaz
Pat Robertson, Barack Obama, Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Michele Bachmann, Maggie Gallagher, the Jewish Orthodox Union, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Ruben Diaz
Lindsay Lohan tweeted about something and we just can’t not talk about it. I’m sorry.
A slew of violent murders has left Puerto Rico’s gay community fearful and wondering what to do next.
Autostraddle hits the streets on Friday night to talk to THE PEOPLE about marriage equality. Includes a lot of hopping and jumping and screaming and total cuteness.
Our money’s on Kelly LeBrock, but I have a feeling you wish it was Scully.
“In typical NYPD fashion, the N.Y.P.D. demonstrated its disrespect for the gay community by raiding the Eagle mere moments after the passage of most important piece of gay rights legislation in history.”
Remember “I’ll Have What She’s Wearing” in which we stop ordinary lesbians on the street/in their lives and try to figure out how to dress that cool? It’s back.
In which Tara engages in activities also enjoyed by lesbians! Surprise!
San Francisco is about evolution. New York is about engagement. But really, Lady Gaga v. Oprah and your other pop superheroes are inside.
If you want a toy that simulates your G-spot in a very particular way and costs about $20 while doing it, then the Galaxy G is probably for you. As it turns out, it wasn’t for me, so let’s talk about that.
Another installment of stories you should read and things you should know about. Includes time travel.
Feelings from New Yorkers, photos, tweets from famous people and not-so-famous people. An epic post of epic New York same-sex marriage emotions!
Robin Roemer shoots the West Village celebrating same-sex marriage passing on the first night of NYC Pride Weekend.
Comments and underage chickadees oh my!
After weeks of waiting and waiting and waiting — GAY MARRIAGE HAS BEEN LEGALIZED IN NEW YORK!
We’re online, we’re in the streets, we’re everywhere. And, goddammit, we’re on our way.
Sebastian’s Team Pick: “We athletes, doctors, lawyers, politicians, organizers; you can’t avoid us. We’re queer as folk and queer as fuck. Grab the Rainbow Pages, mayn – look us up.” (I think I just found our new queer anthem.)
New York really really really truly might almost definitely vote on gay marriage today. You can follow along by watching this livestream from the State Senate.
2011 Soccer World Cup Preview. Featuring queer ladies that know how to deal with grass stains.
Are you ready? I don’t think you’re ready.