Ellen Scaring The Pants Off Sarah Paulson Is The Three Minutes of Surprise Joy You Need Today
Tag yourself. I’m Sarah under the table clutching the closest lesbian going, “I’m really scared something else is going to happen!”
Tag yourself. I’m Sarah under the table clutching the closest lesbian going, “I’m really scared something else is going to happen!”
Join Natalie, Carmen Phillips, and Heather as they liveblog the queerest Emmys ever.
Mariah and Tessa smooched on The Young and the Restless, Maggie found love in an Irish place on Younger, and Ryan Murphy is still Ryan Murphy.
Vote for your favorites and then join us for our Emmys liveblog on Sunday night!
The second season of “Top of the Lake” is on Hulu and if you like dark detective stories, can stomach a lot of misogyny and wanna see Nicole Kidman play gay again… you might wanna check it out.
It’s whimsical and fresh and progressive and tender in parts and hopeful in other parts and compelling throughout.
Emma and Mariana Fake It but in a funny way, Killjoys gives Syfy another canon queer ship, and Odd Mom Out gets gay in the beaver exhibit at the Natural History Museum.
Has anyone heard of that show The Bold Type?
Thus, much like actual life, Trump’s presence in the show casts a dark shadow over an otherwise viable existence AND ALSO OVER LESBIANS.
The show’s first season finale is ambitious, heartfelt, and a compelling argument for its renewal.
If, on Saturday, you heard what you thought was the sound of a thousand queer humans shouting and then crashing to the floor as they fainted away like a bunch of goats, you were correct. That’s exactly what you heard.
“These stupid white dudes fighting (with Whitney Houston playing in the background!!) while this black woman waits for them to tire themselves out so she can fix their problems. As ridiculous as it is, it’s my absolute favorite scene of the entire first season…and a fitting metaphor for the moment our country is in.”
Despite everything being stacked against them, Kat and Adena write their own rom-com.
Is Great British Bake Off even Great British Bake Off without Mary, Sue, and Mel? (No. Not really.)
There aren’t many new lesbian, bisexual, trans, or queer characters on fall TV, but there are a few; and a handful of returning favorites.
Yes, we’ll be talking about “Love Island”.
Well and that was a damn near perfect season of television.
A positive and romantic sex scene for a trans teen! Plus, don’t miss all our other TV coverage from the week.
Scarlet faces layoffs, and Kat faces her feelings for Adena.
Sarah Paulson will play Ally, one-half of a lesbian couple (her partner, Ivy, is played Alison Pill), who loses her shit when Donald Trump wins the presidential election.