The Brooklyn Bunny Cam: Meet Roebling the Rabbit
Jamie’s Team Pick: Here is an adorable rabbit doing cute things that you can look at.
Jamie’s Team Pick: Here is an adorable rabbit doing cute things that you can look at.
This is about Lisa Frank. What else could you possibly want, besides MORE DOLPHINS.
If you are looking for something to do with your long Labor Day weekend, why not head down to New Orleans for some gumbo, jazz and a genderqueer burlesque show?
“Jack Layton was a hero. The thing about heroes though, is that they never really die. “
Two same-sex binational couples can breathe a sigh of relief about deportation, but it’s not necessarily because new immigration guidelines are working.
Advice on binding and making peace with your stretch marks.
Plus Dan Savage’s inevitable response.
In which I’m going to the UK for Manchester Pride, I bet it’s gonna be just like “Queer as Folk.”
Rachel’s Team Pick: Now no one can ever steal my candy!
Introducing the Lingerie Basketball League. Their slogan is “where beauty meets the hardwood.” Doesn’t that make you want to puke? If it doesn’t it’s because you didn’t catch the “hardwood” pun the first time.
Clitoris, masturbation, asexuals, having sex vs. being sexual, A to Z sex, jane fonda’s sex secret, taboos, and some breaking news about gay insect sex.
“The laws surrounding what you can and cannot show of your own body in public are so complex and convoluted that I could not even begin to cover them all in a single blog post.”
On a typical Friday night you are: “Finding a place to put all these dead bodies.”
Today a bunch of celebrities are doing things that may or may not affect your rights, lesbo. So why not indulge in the rainbow cake mix?
“What’s a liberal, feminist, gay-friendly, Democratic girl like you doing in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?” “I was born this way, to borrow a phrase.”
Six years ago, Geena Davis — actor, Olympic archer, president on Commander in Chief — started an institute to study gender in media, in response to the inadequate representation of girls she saw on her kids’ TV shows. And now it’s doing things!
Did RE/MAX and General Mills really pull advertising from Pretty Little Liars just because the Florida Family Association asked them to? We called them and here’s what we found out.
“Tried to find the place on a map, but apparently they’re stuck somewhere in 1956.”
This gallery is seriously epic, and will appeal to anyone who likes lesbians and/or time travel.