“Supergirl” Episode 307 Recap: Make it Reign
Kara has an unexpected visitor, Sam discovers more about her past, Alex is criminally underused, and Lena is MIA.
Kara has an unexpected visitor, Sam discovers more about her past, Alex is criminally underused, and Lena is MIA.
As cis white men are forced out of Hollywood to face repercussions for their actions, this could become an important moment for traditionally marginalized voices to tell stories in ways we’ve never been allowed to before.
A showrunner for The L Word BABY!, Airbnb is trying, don’t get hacked, here for imperfect black female protagonists, Smitten Kitchen, queering modern day church, a brief Buffy interlude, and so much more!
The pocket chain was just the beginning.
Plus some thoughts on this season of Queen Sugar!
This Sunday is the day Kat Sandoval swaggers onto your teevee!
What self-respecting lesbian turns down a chance to sit in the same room as Rachel Maddow or Lana Winters?
We go back in time with Alex and Kara to see what life was like for them ten years ago.
Plus: Grey’s Anatomy’s 300th episode, keeping up with Annalise and her new potential gal pal, Jessica Szhor plays a lesbian again, there’s some queer women on The Girlfriend Experience, and American Horror Story: Cult marches grimly toward its final episode.
Happy Birthday, Grey’s Anatomy. (And before you ask, yes, I managed to fit in Callie and Arizona’s brief shower sex scene from season six. )
Watching this show, I was transported to so many conversations with so many men, times when for any number of reasons I knew I couldn’t say “I don’t want to talk about this” and instead had to rely on a combination of playing dumb and playing up ladylike sensibilities, because I knew those would be taken more seriously than my agency as a person.
Maggie Sawyer says one final goodbye to Alex, and everyone cries. Also Lena Luthor wears a sweatshirt.
Get that lesbian vampire space opera out of your head and onto the interwebs!
Does Annaliese Keating have a new gal pal? Maybe! Arizona Robbins, however, has none. None gal pals. Tara’s still alive on The Walking Dead, the Shannara gays are still gayin’, and Sarah Paulson gets her revenge on American Horror Story: Cult.
The conversation of multi-dimensional black thought, and questions of isolation or not feeling “black enough”, is one that a lot black people are familiar with. It’s smart and nuanced. It’s also a conversation that fundamentally could not be filtered through a white lens. It could not exist on a television show that wasn’t like this.
You laugh and cry and swoon and be bewildered that you can watch this show for free on social media.
Kara is being worshipped by a cult, Sam is invited to Girls’ Night, Alex has a breakdown; it’s a lot, honestly.
Also this is your big chance to see Brittani Nichols in a cop uniform.
“Almost all of the characters are terrible people and the main values I share with them are workaholism and excellent hair. But sometimes when things fall apart, it can be nice to see things fall apart somewhere entirely different, again and again and again.”
We’re also checking in on Queen Sugar, How to Get Away With Murder, and Grey’s Anatomy!