Unicorn Plan-It Teaser VIDEO: Unicorn Horror Picture Show
Involves tongue.
Involves tongue.
“Mr. Cain, Governor Perry and Congresswoman Bachmann all believe 50 different definitions of marriage is fine. But I strongly disagree and will continue fighting for traditional marriage between one man and one woman.”
This is what not-quite-equal looks like.
Oh no! Halloween is two and a half weeks away! Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with a Black Swan costume.
Maybe you’ve heard about the McCarthy-era Red Scare. But how about The Lavender Scare, “a vicious and vehement purge of homosexuals which lasted longer and ruined many more lives”?
Riese’s Team Pick: “Like the naïve teenager who thought Mia Farrow’s apartment represented the urban version of middle-class digs, I continued to believe throughout college that it wasn’t fabulous wealth I was aspiring to, merely hipness.”
Where lesbians meet rock climbing meets fun!
These documentaries will remind you why you’re mad as hell and uninterested in taking it anymore.
This week on NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday: a giant gallery of girls with red hair, sex stats, ignoring sex stats, and strap-on tutorial videos.
“It became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it – is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality.”
Um, hello, Coming Out Day happened. How could the week get any gayer?
“You can probably see a line winding its way from an Apple store to where you’re standing.”
Wil Wheaton returned to Big Bang Theory. Parks and Rec was SO good and “Community was perfect. I don’t even want to talk about it because everyone should just watch it and be amazed and in awe and kiss Dan Harmon in the mouth.”
In which we share secrets and laughs.
“The problem is, Erickson’s campaign, asinine and divorced-from-reality as it might be, appeals to a lot of folks’ view of themselves as better than the next guy — harder-working, not looking for a hand-out, subsidizing all of Those People who are complaining whiners.”
There are all these pictures — fifty, actually — of breakfast foods from like, everywhere. (It’s Friday.)
Impress us with your pumpkin carving skills, win love and admiration!
There are like five videos from “The Muppets” in this post. You know, the movie “The Muppets.”
The National Book Award finalists have been announced, and a majority of them are by female authors.
Televisionary! You know the drill: Modern Family, Up All Night and Happy Endings — remembered fondly by Lizz and Brittani.