Nirvana’s Feminist Legacy and Breaking Through Sexist Norms
Jess’s Team Pick: Did you know that riot grrl Kathleen Hanna inadvertently gave Kurt Cobain the title idea for “Smells Like Teen Spirit?”
Jess’s Team Pick: Did you know that riot grrl Kathleen Hanna inadvertently gave Kurt Cobain the title idea for “Smells Like Teen Spirit?”
Glee’s back and I’m here for a fashioncap. Can we please talk about Quinn?
What did the snowman learn about love? An awful lot, it turns out.
I’m growing out my beard.
Maggie Gallagher will step down as Board Chair of the National Organization for Marriage and be replaced by Dr. John Eastman.
Leader of the Revolution by 30…not too shabby. Happy Birthday Riese!
Bringing back Televisionary: your place to talk about all of your thoughts/feelings/wants/desires/needs from last night’s TV.
Guess who’s back? Glee is back. Glee is back. Back again. Glee is back. Tell a friend. Glee is back Glee is back Glee is back.
Haviland Stillwell, Tracy Ryerson, Jessica Clark, Lesley Goldberg are among the winners of this year’s Power Up Amazing Men & Women in Showbiz Award. This is v.important.
Why won’t the gays stop being so mean to this poor pastor just because he doesn’t care about them?
A species of deep-sea squid has been found to have a lot of gay sex. But calling it gay to demonstrate progress destroys actual progress! This is more exciting than is sounds.
‘Superheroes Are For Girls, Too’ is an adorable tumblr that will give you hope for the future.
About a bajillion people tuned in for the premiere of “The New Girl.” Do they also have crushes on Zooey Deschanel or is this premise funnier than it seems?
I don’t pretend to not give a fuck…I actually don’t.
“Why are my arms so skinny? People can be friendly. Fuck, she’s so cute. Am I getting enough iron?”
This is what a repeal of DADT looks like at a gay community center in Oklahoma.
Are you in Los Angeles this Saturday? Come out to The Real L Word charity basketball game for Vote for Equality’s efforts to defend The FAIR Education Act!
If October 2009 were a song, it would be this one.
Bachmann’s completely incorrect, false, wrong, bogus and detrimental claims about vaccines can have a real lasting impact on public health. I feel angry about this.
Obama name-drops gay rights in an address to the United Nations, one of a few admirable moves he’s made this week.