Bevan Dufty Reminds Us Gay Candidates Have Kids Too
This gay man thinks that watching him ride the train with his daughter will make you more likely to vote for him.
This gay man thinks that watching him ride the train with his daughter will make you more likely to vote for him.
“Make a lot of queer ladies happy without even taking off your pants!”
Sebastian’s Team Pick: An important response to Jamey Rodemeyer’s suicide and the culture of anti-gay bullying.
Jess chats with Southwest refugee Camila Grey, who gives us the Behind the Music treatment on touring with Adam Lambert and Uh Huh Her’s brand new record, Nocturnes, finally out October 11th.
11-year-old Tammy Lobel begins Hormone Replacement Therapy, media begins slamming her lesbian parents for “human experimentation” and questioning the validity of her identity. Homophobia AND Transphobia! What fun!
Haviland Stillwell and Riese answer your wanting to want sex with her question on video, with special guests Marni & Ashley!
It’s the final countdown! Steve Holt!
Rachel’s Team Pick: Queer zines on the internet!
October 7th. New York City. Panel for NYU Pride Week. Be there, or get punched in the face.
This week’s good news will almost make you a patriot. Possibly. No promises.
Baby you were born this [whatever].
Whatever you’re feeling right now, just release it. Out into the universe. RELEASE!
School libraries are one of the best places to find LGBT teen literature…which is why anti-gay adults are so afraid of them. Luckily, you can do something about that.
“Are we playing a game where everyone says something stupid?” – We discuss Community, Parks & Recreation, and The Office.
Beantown, Deanne Smith wants to show you her Ha-Ha!
Adventure Time lezzes it up in a behind the scenes video. The video gets taken down. Typical.
“Alison J. Nathan has years of experience, and everyone she has worked with seems to have a friend crush on her.”
GLAAD’s TV report, Smith College’s Quidditch team, how to be femme and visibly gay, a homophobic honeymoon and about 500 other stories we missed!
Twenty years ago today, the queers of San Francisco set fires, broke windows and got arrested, and they did it for you.
Facebook’s Big New Thing and why you’re going to totally love it or want to kill it with fire.