“Marvel’s Runaways” Episode 107: Chosen Family
Oops I ship Leslie and Tina now.
Oops I ship Leslie and Tina now.
2017 was the best of times and the worst of times. LOL JK it was the absolute worst of times. But the queer TV was pretty good.
Go forth and wreak havoc, my lil vixens!
Rosa’s full coming out on Brooklyn Nine-Nine is rocky and bittersweet, incorporating uniquely bisexual experiences to cement itself as a uniquely historic TV moment.
Hulu marketing, stop trying to make Chase/Karolina happen!
According to Variety, the new show is will be “an epic and timely tale that celebrates female friendship and empowerment, led by a warrior princess tailor made for today.”
In “Lady Cha Cha,” Jo and Chase joined by real-life queer, black, femme burlesque dancer Jeez Loueez, who adds to the very authentic feel of the episode in terms of its portrayal of Chicago, burlesque, and queerness.
Autostraddle Staff Writers Carmen and Alaina in a conversation about the TV series, the legacy of Spike Lee’s work, black female representation on film, polyamory, and pansexuality.
“I’m dating a woman. I’m bi.”
The teens finally use their powers together, and it’s magical.
We’ve got Lena Waithe’s “The Chi,” a lesbian assassin in a parallel universe in “Counterpart,” budding superhero Anissa Pierce and her girlfriend badass bisexual bartender Grace Choi, Anna Paquin on a virtual reality holiday gifted by her wife and so many other lesbian and bisexual characters on now or coming soon to a teevee or otherwise-identified device near you.
The full force of Reign is unleashed and Supergirl goes face to face with her. Also Lena is back!
“I’m not sure if Cheryl wants to murder or make out with Josie, and that’s pretty much Cheryl Blossom in a nutshell.”
I loved the whole thing, from beginning to end, and I think Alex and Sara were exactly what the other needed right now.
It’s hard to look forward to Karolina’s impending coming out arc, which is taking the slow-burn route, when her most significant storyline so far has been that she was almost raped and that Chase stopped it from happening. Writers, stop doing stories like these!
Alex and Kara travel to Earth-1 to team up with Sara Lance and the rest of the CW DC heroes to punch some Nazis.
What I can say, with the utmost love, is that this series feels like Brooklyn. It feels like the Brooklyn that raised me and protected me as a young woman. It feels like Sisterhood. It’s funny and smart and bright and challenging.
Plus The Shannara Chronicles blesses Eretria and Lyria with a happy ending.
It is not a small thing for Y&R to cast Mariah’s love for Tessa in the same mold as one of the show’s great supercouples, Nick and Sharon. It’s a normalizing force for a conservative audience that might not view a same-sex story that way.
Karolina finds herself at a horrible frat party, and something magical happens. She sees two women making out on the dance floor. She pauses, stares, transfixed. The scene captures that moment of knowing and not knowing something all at once.