You Need Help: Sex Meets Feelings, Has Feelings About It
For when you ‘like her’ like her.
For when you ‘like her’ like her.
“What exactly does ‘success’ mean for OWS? It could mean giving power to conversations and movements that activists, organizers and thinkers have been having for years.”
Ellen DeGeneres interviewed Rachel Maddow on her TV show! Everything is great (except for the portrayal of women by the media).
We need someone with WordPress/BuddyPress/CometChat experience to fix our shit — and this would be a good time for you to tell us how you use ASS and what changes you’d like to see.
What I wrote on my ipad while Governor Cuomo, Christine Quinn, James Alesi and Bruce Gyory talked about our equal rights.
Like the postal service, nor rain nor Internet outages will keep the comment awards from getting to you.
I have lived in Portland for one month. Here are 28 of my 100% accurate observations to date, translated with some fidelity from the bar napkin I scrawled them on.
Parents are upset over the new tattooed and pink-haired TokiDoki Barbie because it might send the wrong idea: that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
Televisionary Week 5: Watch TV, not baseball.
Yup it’s true, straight girls wanna make out with you.
For the first time ever, a majority of Americans support legalizing pot. What are you, ON DOPE?!!
Urban Outfitters has renamed all its “Navajo” products following ongoing criticism for cultural appropriation and a trademark violations. Finally.
“If you can’t beat them, join them. And once you’re in, take them over and throw them out.”
The single best-smelling pear dish you will ever make.
“We want to warn Michiganders that coming out may cost them their jobs.”
Halloween’s getting closer by the day! No worries, I’ve got you covered with a Glee costumes. Cheerios, football players and your favorite coach. Let’s Gleek out costume style!
Peanut butter will outlast the heat death of the universe!
Is same-sex education bad for students? Did you know about Ally Week and/or International Fisting Day? How does Lemony Snicket feel about OWS?
FYI, a day in Gay America involves pumping gas, eating dinner, and other super-gay things.
“I don’t make my work about me or being gay… But I feel like urban farmers are queering the food system. Just by bringing fresh food to this neighborhood we’re mixing it up.”