Lampshades, Harmonicas and Penguins: Four Covers of Feist’s “1, 2, 3, 4”
Get down with the jangly, bouncy hipness that is “1, 2, 3, 4.” And did you know that Feist fronted a punk band way back when?
Get down with the jangly, bouncy hipness that is “1, 2, 3, 4.” And did you know that Feist fronted a punk band way back when?
Today’s Roasted Bell Pepper Sauce is on fire. So is my kitchen.
Gotye is a big deal down under.
Winners announced!
“If the kids are united, they will never be divided.”
This is the day all your dreams come true, if your dream is to be an Autostraddle calendar girl.
The “equal rights” angle wasn’t working so some gay marriage advocates are switching it up.
How did an anti-bullying bill become a pro-bullying bill?
This is an art attack. This is an art attack. This is NSFW Sunday Lesbosexy Art Attack!
Community, Parks and Rec, and Big Bang Theory keep it coming on Televisionary Thursday.
This post contains a lesbian kickboxer and gay penguins.
There was a lot of homophobia this week. This is 20 to 44% of it.
What resources does your community provide for queer seniors?
Bring the power of the unicorn with you everywhere you go!
In Part 3 of the series, we’ll be addressing issues like dealing with internalized transphobia, going “stealth”, and how you can help your partner if they are struggling with gender dysphoria. PLUS a video!
Modern Family, New Girl and Happy Endings were all new this week. Did you wach them? ‘Cause we did.
25% OMG AWESOME and 75% YAWN.
Occupy Oakland’s achievements were overshadowed in the media by the violence of a splinter group and that’s really not fair because Wednesday was actually really awesome.
In which The Man does the damning.
Delicious vegan pierogi!