Kristen Stewart Says Hey Girl, is Talking to You
Lizz’s Team Pick: Hey Girl, Kristen Stewart makes an appearance in the best new tumblr ever.
Lizz’s Team Pick: Hey Girl, Kristen Stewart makes an appearance in the best new tumblr ever.
Emily’s Team Pick: Look at Dianna Agron doing neat stuff on the internet!
I lost a lot of things in 1994-1995. Mostly sitcoms.
Is the Senate really trying to “legalize bestiality,” or are Republicans just alarmingly obsessed with talking about it?
This annual gigantic gift guide features all our wants, needs and desires. Or some of them, at least.
Gabby’s Team Pick: Even Christians don’t like Rick Perry’s dumbass commercial.
Good news, now with animals!
In which we provide a list of sex-related gifts and would like to know if you’ve ever given or received one yourself and if you liked it, etc.
No actually, you really really really shouldn’t.
I hear the articles in this issue are particularly interesting. (Sidenote: This is legitimately NSFW)
SPOILER ALERT: Finn Hudson is a golden god!!!!!!
The Obama administration’s decision to take treatment of gays and lesbians into account when making foreign aid decisions is actually really historic, and here’s why.
This is a gift guide for your friend that likes sports or your college-aged brother.
Topics include Trader Joe’s, symbolism, teacher-student affairs, muzack, quinceañeras and The West Memphis Three!
This t-shirt would look really cute on you or really anyone you know. It’s that cute. It will probably sell out so GET ON IT.
Candace Gingrich-Jones on Rachel Maddow = Pure Bliss.
In case you were worried we hadn’t spent enough time discussing Judge Walker’s gayness.
Valenti’s new documentary takes on virginity lovers for rolling back women’s rights.
Rick Perry just put out a new campaign ad where he’s totally bummed out that “gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t… pray in school.” Oh, also his chief pollster is gay!
Jamie’s Team Pick: Cats for cats!