Five Political Podcasts to Make You Smarter
News, commentary, interviews and activism! Being smarter is how you make new friends and have the shiniest hair.
News, commentary, interviews and activism! Being smarter is how you make new friends and have the shiniest hair.
Get a job!
Laura’s Team Pick: How the first woman to sail around the world did it as a man.
Toby fell off a wall and Emily wore a military style vest. All in all a pretty good episode.
Binge drinking is kind of an American pastime right now, according to the Center for Disease Control, and they’ve got state-by-state data that reveals a “binge drinking belt.”
Once again, Life & Style is freaking out about Shiloh’s deviant “shorter-than-ever” haircut and Angelina’s secret plan to “turn Shiloh into a boy.”
“I will not go back to the days when Wall Street was allowed to play by its own set of rules.”
Who’s in the mood for a show about girls working in World War II bomb-making factories and sometimes making eyes at each other? YOU ARE.
When a cauliflower and some cumin love each other very much.
The nominees for the 2012 Oscars were announced! Do you have feelings about any of them? I have a few!
“Just because something is constructed as a social category, doesn’t mean that it’s not enormously meaningful. It doesn’t mean that we haven’t built a whole damn civilization on it.”
Lots of stuff happened to gay people this week! Mostly good, some bad! It’s only Tuesday, but so far, the future is bright.
We did our own highly scientific research to determine where in the country you’re most likely to meet other queer ladies, hang out with other queer ladies and admit that you’re a queer lady in public!
Rachel’s Team Pick: Trying to make a list of only 10 badass women writers is really hard.
Lizz’s Team Pick: Tip #2: Play to the top of your intelligence. “I am trying to write a book. The book begins with me as a college student, a nineteen-year-old girl. I did a lot of dumb shit at that age.”
“What we’re asking you to do is vote in favor of civil rights. Not what your district says,”
Go ahead girl, put yo poetry in it.
So many short story books have at least a little touch of queer — like these from Dorothy Allison, Mary Gaitskill, Thisbe Nissen, Amy Bloom and more!
Do you spend way too much time on this website? Here’s how you can keep on doing that, but call it “work.”
“Less than half of the teachers surveyed believe a gender nonconforming individual would feel comfortable at their school. “